Displaying the list of recent items in your application
Add the list of recent items to your application so that users can instantly access the most frequently used or recently closed items, which improves navigation and enhances the user experience.
By default, the recent items list displays the 20 most recently accessed items of the following types:
- cases
- rule and data instance instance records
- Create New and Save As forms
- landing pages
- wizard items
- instance lists
The system displays a list of recent items when you include the pxRecent section in a section within your application, and refreshes the pxRecent embedded section whenever the Declare_pzRecentsCache.pxUpdateDateTime property changes, that is, whenever a user adds, deletes, or updates an item in the recent items list.
Open the section that you want to modify.
On the Design tab, from the Structural list, drag Embedded section onto the work area.
In the Section Include dialog box, in the Section field, enter pxRecent.
Click Submit.
On the section form, click Save.
- Customizing the list of recent items in your application
You can customize the recent items list in your application by changing the content, style, or the number of items on the list.
- Disabling the list of recent items
You can disable document tracking by the Recent List gadget ( PegaGadget-RecentList ) to reduce the overhead for large applications that generate the recent list for the Recent Explorer. After you disable document tracking, the Recent Explorer will be empty.
Previous topic Creating an embedded section Next topic Customizing the list of recent items in your application