Removing style formats
Improve the performance of your application by removing style formats that you no longer need. Because the CSS for the application is sourced from the skin rule, you can reduce the CSS file size by removing unused style formats, which then improves load times.
You can either delete a style to remove it permanently, or disable a style format to exclude it from the application CSS, but keep it for future use.In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
Expand the User Interface category, and then click Skin.
Open the skin that you want to edit.
On the Component styles tab, click the Menu icon on the right side of the window.
In the component list, click the UI component whose style format you want to remove.
On the My Formats tab, click the style format that you want to remove.
In the settings pane for the format, select what to do with the format style:
- To remove the format permanently, click Delete. , and then click
- To keep the format for future use, click .
Click Save.
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