Adding a video to your UI
Supplement your interface with additional materials by adding a video to your application. By using videos, you can provide user guidance or create a richer, immersive experience.
- In Dev Studio, open the section to which you want to add a video.
- Add the video control:
- If you are using the view editor, in the pane on the right side of the screen, in the header of the region where you want to add the control, click Add, and then click .
- If you are using the full section editor, from the Data display menu, drag the Video component into the layout.
- Open the Cell properties dialog box:
- If you are using the view editor, in the pane on the right side of the screen, hover over the newly added Video control, and then click the Edit icon.
- If you are using the full section editor, click on the newly added Video control, and then click the View properties icon.
- On the General tab, in the Visibility list, define the visibility of the control.
- For options other than Always, select additional settings:
- To leave the space blank even when the video element is invisible, select Reserve space when hidden.
- To validate a conditional expression on the client, select Run visibility condition on client.
- In the Source URL field, select the source of the video
- To enter a URL, select Path, and then in the Path field, enter the address of the target video.
- To refer to a URL in a property value, select Property reference, and then, in the Property field, select the target property.
- Configure other playback settings:
- To provide users with access to controls such as play or pause, in the All user controls row, click Yes.
- To enable video autoplay, in the Autoplay row, click Yes.
- To loop the video, in the Loop row, click Yes.
- To mute the video, in the Muted row, click Yes.
- In the Preload list, select the video buffering method:
- To buffer the entire video when the element is loaded, select Auto.
- To download the metadata and start buffering when the user plays the video, select Metadata.
- To start buffering when the user plays the video, select None.
- On the Presentation tab, in the Poster
image field, select an image to display when the video is inactive:
- To enter a URL, select Path, and then in the Path field, enter the address of the target image.
- To refer to a property value, select Property reference, and then, in the Property field, select the target property.
- In the Specify size row, define how to size your video:
- To allow the system to define the video size automatically, select Auto.
- To define specific video size, select Custom, and then, in the Width field, enter the target width for the video.
- Click Submit.
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