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Creating a portal

Updated on December 13, 2022
Applicable to Cosmos React and Theme Cosmos applications

Deliver a user experience that matches the needs of each user group by setting up portals. Portals are highly configurable interfaces that can help you to define how personas interact with your application.

As a best practice, you can set up a single portal for all your users, and control the visibility of specific UI elements through personas and access privileges. Alternatively, you can create a dedicated portal for each persona, and populate each portal with prefabricated components that help users complete their tasks.

Note: When you create a new application, Pega Platform automatically generates the first portal for you. Depending on your UI setup, the default portal is called either User Portal (for Theme Cosmos in hybrid mode) or Standard Portal (for Cosmos React). For interfaces that use section-based architecture without hybrid mode, see Building portals.
  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Channels, and then click Portal.
  2. Creating a portal
    The portal icon opens a New portal dialog box.
  3. On the New Portal window, provide a meaningful name and description for the portal, and then click Submit.
  4. On the New portal interface page, click Save.
    Result: The portal is now active. You can configure it by modifying components such as the navigation menu, access settings, and headers.

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