Defining refresh conditions for UI areas
Ensure that your users have access to relevant and up-to-date information by defining conditions that cause their UI to refresh.
For example, you can configure the layout that holds your order summary to refresh every time the user edits the list of items in the shopping cart.equals(=) or
does not equal(!=). In addition, the condition builder includes two out-of-the-box operators:
, which evaluates to true if a new page is added or removed from the condition's list property.Changes
, which evaluates to true if the condition's property changes.
- Search for and open a section that holds the target layout or the target view.
- Open the settings of the target UI area:
- To edit the settings pane of a view in App Studio, access the view, and then, in the pane on the right side of the screen, click Settings.
- To open the properties dialog box of a layout or an embedded section in Dev Studio, in the Dynamic layout header, click the View properties icon.
- In the settings of the UI area, in the Refresh condition
field, define when you want the area to reload:
- Click the Open condition builder icon.
- In the Refresh when dialog box, in the empty
field, enter the name of the property on which you want to base your
- In the operator list next to the property field, select the condition that you want to use in your expression.
- Optional: To add a second condition, in the logical operator list below the property field, select the logical operator that you want to use to connect the conditions, and then repeat steps 3.b through 3.c for the new condition.
- Click Save.
- Optional: To run an additional operation on refresh, perform the following actions:
- To run a data transform, select the Run data transform checkbox, and then provide the name of the data transform.
- To run an activity, select the Run activity checkbox, and then provide the name of the activity.
- Save the changed settings by clicking Apply or Submit.
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