Modifying the presentation options of the navigational tree layout
Define the look and behavior of the navigational tree layout in your user interface to build an intuitive application that meets your business needs.
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the User Interface category, and then click Section.
- In the section list, select the section that contains the target layout.
- In the Navigational tree header, click the View properties icon.
- In the Layout properties window, click the Presentation tab.
- In the Style list, define how the layout arranges its
- In the Container format list, define the look of the
layout.For more information, see Styling a layout.
- In the Width of content list, define whether the width
of the layout columns is set as a percentage or in pixels:
- To set minimum column widths that expand if the content exceeds the minimum width, select Pixels (fit content).
- To set specific column widths, select Pixels (fixed).
- To set column widths as fractions of the total width of the layout area, specified in pixels, select Fill (100%).
- Optional: To specify a fixed height for the layout, select Fixed (pixel) size grid, and then provide the height in pixels.
- In the Expand/collapse icon field, specify which icon you want to use to represent the hierarchy by clicking the Show image viewer icon, and then selecting an image.
- In the Show +/- icon list, define the visibility of the
expand icon.For more information, see Defining conditions in the condition builder.
- Optional: To define additional layout behavior, select the checkboxes that represent specific personalization settings.
- Click Submit.
- On the section form, click Save.
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