APIs in the ActionsApi class
Use the APIs in the ActionsApi class to handle actions in the Constellation infrastructure.
- approveCase(containerItemID)
Performs the approval action for the approval step configured in a case.
- cancelAssignment(containerItemID)
Cancels the current assignment.
- cancelCreateStageAssignment(containerItemID)
Cancels the current assignment in the create stage.
- changeHandler(pConn, event)
Runs a change handler for the given context of the component through the Action Processor.
- createWork(className, options)
Creates a work object for a specified class and flow type and displays the work object in a target container.
- deleteCaseInCreateStage(containerItemID)
Deletes the case that is currently in the create stage.
- eventHandler(pConn, event)
Runs an eventHandler for the given context of the component through the Action Processor.
- finishAssignment(containerItemID)
Submits the assignment that is associated with the given case (case details are obtained from the metadata when the application loads) and the given flow container ID.
- getRecents(maxResultsToFetch)
Obtains the list of the recently accessed assignments.
- ignoreDuplicateCase(containerItemID)
Performs the ignore duplicate action for the search duplicate cases automation step configured in a case.
- invoke(url [, opts])
Invokes a REST API using the fetch function of a service broker.
- loadView(caseId, viewName, config)
Loads a view with data from server based on the context of a case.
- navigateToStep(stepID, containerItemID)
Navigates to a specific step in the context of a container.
- openAssignment(assignmentID, className, options)
Opens an assignment and stores it in a target container.
- openLocalAction(actionID, options)
Opens the configured local action.
- openProcessAction(actionID, options)
Opens the configured process action.
- openWorkByHandle(workID, className)
Opens a work object associated with a work ID.
- rejectCase(containerItemID)
Performs the reject action for the approval step configured in a case.
- resolveDuplicateCase(containerItemID)
Performs the resolve duplicate action for the search duplicate cases automation step configured in a case.
- saveAndClose(containerItemID)
Saves the current work object opened in the modal dialog.
- showCasePreview(pzInsKey, configObj)
Displays a preview of a case item inside the preview panel.
- showData(pageName, dataContext, dataContextParameters, options)
Displays the data of a page based on the data context.
- showDataPreview(dataContext, dataContextParameters, options)
Displays a preview of a data item in the preview panel.
- showPage(pageName, className, options)
Displays the page of a class.
- triggerFieldChange(propName, value)
Runs validations on a specified control and triggers the FIELD_CHANGE event.
- updateFieldValue(propName, value, options)
Dispatches the SET_PROPERTY event on a specified control to store a specified value in the Redux Store.
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