APIs in the CaseInfo class
Use the APIs in the CaseInfo class to handle the information related to a case.
- getActions()
Obtains information related to case actions that can be performed on an assignment.
- getActiveFlowActionID()
Obtains the flow action ID of the rendered assignment.
- getAssignmentID()
Obtains the ID of the assignment that is rendered using the current context.
- getCaseTypeName()
Obtains the name of the case type.
- getClassName()
Obtains the name of the case class.
- getID()
Obtains the ID of a case that is rendered using the current context.
- getKey()
Obtains the key of the case that is rendered using the current context.
- getName()
Obtains the name of the case that is rendered using the current context.
- getParentCaseInfo()
Obtains the information of the parent case when the current rendered assignment belongs to a child case.
- isPerform()
Determines if the view is in the perform mode.
- isReview()
Determines if the view is in the review mode.
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