APIs in the LocaleUtils class
Use the APIs in the LocaleUtils class to create, update, and lookup the localization store.
- getLocaleForRule([localeRuleKey])
Obtains the locale JSON for a rule.
- getLocaleValue(localeKey [, localePath] [, localeRuleKey])
Obtains the localized value of a string from the localization store.
- getTimeZoneInUse()
Obtains the time zone set in the requestor page. If the time zone is not set in the requestor page, the API obtains the time zone set in the system or browser.
- loadLocaleResources(localeRefs)
Loads all the locale resources from the locale references if the user locale is different from the base locale.
- resetLocaleStore()
Resets the localization store to an empty object.
- setLocaleForRule(localeJson, localeRuleKey)
Sets the locale JSON for a rule.
- setTimezone(timezone)
Sets the time zone for the LocaleUtils instance.
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