Directly accessed PConnect APIs
Access APIs directly from the PConnect object.
- clearErrorMessages(errorMsgConfig)
Deletes the error messages associated with a specific context or app container.
- createComponent(meta, dataSource, index, additionalPropsToComp)
Creates a component whose type is provided as part of the meta object and uses the other parameters to resolve the properties and get the context.
- deRegisterAdditionalProps(deRegisterKeys)
Deregisters the input properties passed from metaConfig. When you call the API, only the registered properties are obtained.
- getActions()
Obtains the actions object that is used to configure a component's event actions.
- getActionsApi()
Obtains an entry point to the ActionsApi object that contains the APIs to handle actions in the Constellation infrastructure.
- getCaseInfo()
Obtains an entry point to the CaseInfo object that contains the APIs to handle the information related to a case.
- getCaseStages()
Obtains the stages within a case.
- getCaseSummary()
Returns the details of the case from the metadata of the loaded application.
- getChildren()
Obtains the list of children for the current component. The iterator is also reset to the beginning of the index.
- getComponentName()
Obtains the name of the current component.
- getConfigProps(destinationObject)
Obtains the resolved configuration of a component.
- getContainerManager()
Provides an entry point to the ContainerManager object that contains the APIs to manage the containers used in complex components.
- getContainerName()
Obtains the name of the container associated with the current component.
- getContextName()
Obtains the name of the context under which the current component was rendered.
- getCurrentClassID()
Obtains the class ID corresponding to the current field.
- getCurrentView()
Obtains the name of the view under which the current component was rendered.
- getDataObject(contextName)
Obtains the data associated with the current context from the Store.
- getGoogleMapsAPIKey()
Used in the Location component of the DX Components layer to obtain the API key for the Google Maps application from the DSS setting (uiengine/map/googleapikey) and send it to the MapsContext control of the Cosmos layer as a property.
- getImagePath(imageName)
Obtains the resolved path of an image.
- getInheritedProps()
Obtains the properties that are set in the parent metadata node within the inheritedProps metadata structure. The inheritedProps metadata allows cascading of values in the view metadata, which results in better reuse of the properties.
- getLocaleRuleName()
Obtains the locale reference rule name referenced by the environment object for the field values.
- getLocalizedValue(rawString, localePath, localeRuleKey)
Obtains the localized value of a string.
- getPageReference()
Obtains the data reference path of the store that contains the data value of the current component.
- getRawMetadata()
Obtains the complete metadata of the component in its raw and unresolved format.
- getReferencedUser(userId)
Obtains the information associated with a referenced user.
- getReferencedView()
Obtains the view metadata of a referenced view.
- getReferencedViewPConnect(passOptions)
Obtains the PConnect object associated with the referenced view.
- getStateProps()
Obtains the properties that are bound to the state of a Store. These properties represent the current state of the Store.
- getTarget()
Obtains the fully qualified name of the target container with which a component is associated.
- getValidationApi()
Obtains an entry point to the ValidationApi object that contains APIs that handle validations on a field.
- getValue(prop, pageReference)
Obtains the value of the property from the Redux Store.
- hasChildren()
Determines if the current component has children.
- isBoundToState()
Determines if the current component is bound to a Redux State.
- isConditionExist()
Determines if the current component is associated with a condition (such as an expression or when condition).
- isEditable()
Determines if a component can be edited.
- populateAdditionalProps(configData)
Populates the specified object with additional properties that are specific to the current component but are not part of the component’s configuration.
- registerAdditionalProps(additionalMeta)
Resolves the input properties and registers them to the configuration object used for component rendering. When you call the API, the resolved properties are obtained.
- replaceState(prop, value)
Replaces the state of a property or page in the Redux Store.
- reportError(errorMsg, errorObj, context)
Saves the error information in the Redux Store. This is applicable to all errors that need to be handled at the infrastructure level.
- resolveConfigProps(configProps, destinationObject)
Resolves the input properties and obtains the resolved properties.
- setAction(eventType, handler)
Assigns a new action (based on the event type and handler) to the list of the actions associated with the current component.
- setInheritedProp(propName, value)
Assigns a value to the inherited property and propagates the property to its children.
- setValue(prop, value, initialValue)
Assigns a value to a property in the Redux Store.
- errorMsgConfig
Use this JSON configuration object to specify error messages in the store. It is used as a parameter in the API to indicate the messages that should be deleted.
Previous topic Accessing APIs from the PConnect object Next topic clearErrorMessages(errorMsgConfig)