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Directly accessed PCore APIs

Updated on July 20, 2021

Access APIs directly from the PCore object.

  • checkIfSemanticURL()

    Determines if the browser URL is semantic by comparing it with the information in the metadata of the loaded application.

  • configureForBrowserBookmark(payload)

    Enables you to directly navigate to a bookmarked page.

  • createPConnect(config)

    Creates a PConnect object from the input configuration of a component. The PConnect object represents a newly created component context for the given input configuration and has access to all public PConnect APIs.

  • getAnalyticsUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the AnalyticsUtils object that contains the APIs that help analytics entities or actions perform data interactions with the PRPC server.

  • getAnnotationUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the AnnotationUtils class that contains utility APIs to handle the annotation to a property.

  • getAssetLoader()

    Obtains an entry point to the AssetLoader object that contains the APIs to load script files and CSS files to the browser's Document Object Model (DOM).

  • getAsynchronousUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the AsynchronousUtils object that contains utility APIs that perform asynchronous operations using Observable patterns.

  • getAttachmentUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the AttachmentUtils object that contains utility APIs that handle the attachments of a case.

  • getAuthUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the AuthUtils object that contains APIs to handle authentication tokens that are utilized for REST API calls.

  • getBehaviorOverride(theOverride)

    Obtains the current value of the requested behavior override flag.

  • getBehaviorOverrides()

    Obtains a JSON object containing the current behavior override flags and their current values.

  • getCaseFollowerApi()

    Provides an entry point to the CaseFollowerApi object that contains utility APIs to handle the followers of a case.

  • getComponentsRegistry()

    Obtains the components registry that is bound to the Constellation JavaScript Engine. The components registry contains methods to register or override existing components.

  • getConstants()

    Obtains the public constants (containing un-modifiable constant objects) that can be used where specified by PCore.

  • getContainerUtils()

    Provides an entry point to the ContainerUtils object that is used to access the Container APIs of the Constellation JavaScript Engine.

  • getDataApi()

    Obtains the metadata associated with the data source contained in the config object.

  • getDataApiUtils()

    Provides an entry point to the DataApiUtils object that contains utility APIs to retrieve information from data views.

  • getEnvironmentInfo()

    Obtains an entry point to the EnvironmentInfo object that contains APIs to retrieve information about the application environment that the user is currently logged into.

  • getErrorHandler()

    Obtains an entry point to the ErrorHandler object that contains APIs to handle errors.

  • getEvents()

    Obtains an entry point to the Events object that contains APIs to subscribe to various events.

  • getFeedUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the FeedUtils object that contains APIs to handle the feeds of a case.

  • getFormUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the FormUtils object that contains APIs that handle form related cases.

  • getLocaleUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the LocaleUtils object that contains APIs to create, update, and lookup the localization store.

  • getMashupApi()

    Obtains an entry point to the MashupApi object that contains APIs that help in creating cases or working with views in other environments.

  • getMessageManager()

    Obtains an entry point to the MessageManager module that contains APIs to access and manipulate messages from the Redux Store.

  • getMessagingServiceManager()

    Obtains an entry point to the MessagingServiceManager object that contains APIs to interact with the Constellation Messaging Service.

  • getNavigationUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the NavigationUtils class that contains APIs to maintain the state of UI components.

  • getPCoreVersion()

    Obtains the version number of the PConnect and PCore APIs for the currently loaded implementation.

  • getPersonalizationUtils(listId)

    Provides an entry point to the PersonalizationUtils object that contains utility APIs to manage the personalization instances of a list component.

  • getPubSubUtils()

    Provides an entry point to the PubSubUtils object that contains utility APIs in the Constellation JavaScript Engine that publish and subscribe events.

  • getRelatedCasesApi()

    Obtains an entry point to the RelatedCasesApi object that contains APIs to handle the related cases of a case.

  • getRestClient()

    Obtains an entry point to the RestClient object that contains APIs that utilize the service broker to manage REST API calls.

  • getRuntimeParamsAPI()

    Obtains an entry point to the RuntimeParamsAPI object that contains APIs to store and retrieve the runtimeParams object.

  • getSemanticUrlUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the SemanticUrlUtils object that contains APIs to build semantic URLs.

  • getStakeholderUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the StakeholderUtils object that contains APIs to handle the participants of a case.

  • getStore()

    Obtains the Redux Store. The current data representation of the Redux store determines the rendering of the UI.

  • getStoreValue(propReference, pageReference, context)

    Obtains the value of a property from the Redux Store.

  • getTagUtils()

    Obtains an entry point to the TagUtils object that contains APIs to handle the tags of a case.

  • getUserApi()

    Obtains an entry point to the UserApi object that contains APIs to handle user data.

  • getViewResources()

    Obtains an entry point to the ViewResources object that contains APIs to manage view metadata in the rule store.

  • isDeepEqual(oldValue, newValue)

    Determines if the values of two objects are the same by performing a deep comparison.

  • isValidSemanticURL()

    Determines if a browser URL is a valid semantic URL by comparing it with the corresponding entry in the routing table.

  • onPCoreReady(callback)

    Registers a callback that will be called once the application infrastructure is ready to perform its initial render.

  • registerComponentCreator(creator)

    Registers the component creator function.

  • registerLocaleManager(customLocaleUtilApis)

    Registers the custom APIs that override the out of the box LocaleUtils APIs.

  • setBehaviorOverride(overrideKey, overrideValue)

    Sets or updates flags to override default behavior at runtime.

  • setBehaviorOverrides(overridesObj)

    Sets flags to override default behavior at runtime.

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