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updatePersonalization(listID, personalizationID, personalizedState)

Updated on July 20, 2021

Updates a personalization instance of a list component.


The status as a Promise.


listIDstringA unique ID referencing a list component.
Note: The length of the ID should be limited to 32 characters.
personalizationIDstringA unique ID that references the personalization instance to be updated.
personalizedStateobjectAn object containing information about the personalization state.

Usage example

In this example, the API updates a personalization instance of a list component and returns the status.

const listId = "443533r555";
const personalizationId = "L_343456";
const personalizedState = {
  name : "Resolved bugs",
  markAsDefault : false,
  personalizationState : "{ filter : 'pyStatusWork STARTS_WITH Resolved'}"
PCore.getPersonalizationUtils(listId).updatePersonalization(personalizationId, personalizedState);

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