Enhance user experience with Pega Infinity design improvements (8.2)
In Pega’s latest 8.2 Sales Automation update, your sales team is empowered with enhanced Pega Infinity™ user experience (UX) capabilities including:
- Expanded compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
- Easily configurable picklist values.
- Hierarchy widget for viewing contact relationships.
- Bulk actions for mass updates for leads and opportunities.
Engage all sellers through Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) expansion
Designed with accessibility in mind, Pega Sales Automation enables all sellers to engage without limits. With a user interface that includes assistive technologies and expanded compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, web browser accessibility is improved for individuals with impairments and other disabilities.
Further enhancing user experience, Pega’s new Accessibility Inspector analyzes the accessibility of each webpage and displays any issues that need to be addressed on a run-time toolbar. This ensures that your entire sales team is empowered to understand, navigate, and interact with Pega Sales Automation during every step of the sales journey.
Pega Sales Automation WCAG Accessibility Inspector
Easily configure picklist values in App studio and end-user portals
Advancing the design of your Sales Automation tool does not have to start with your IT team. With Pega’s latest 8.2 updates, your sales team can manage picklist values directly within their end-user portals or App Studio instances. By significantly reducing the need for developer resources, your sales team is now able to quickly design Pega Sales Automation in the format that works best for your business.
View contact relationships using Contact Hierarchy Widget
Who is my contact’s boss again? What department does she work in? Navigating the ins-and-outs of your contacts’ organizational hierarchies can be a challenging task. With Pega’s new Contact Hierarchy Widget, your sales reps can easily view the level of influence that the contact has in their respective organization.
Embedded directly within a contact’s record, the Contact Hierarchy Widget enables your sales reps to view the names, photos, designations, phone numbers, and emails from every contact in an organizational hierarchy tree. With deeper insights around all your contacts, your sales team is empowered to provide the most targeted customer interactions.
Mass update records using bulk actions for leads and opportunities
Have a large number of leads or opportunities that you would like to update in a simple step? Now you can carry out multiple field modifications using Pega’s new File Listener technology. With Pega Sales Automation, making bulk changes to territories, sources, stages, and opportunities is now simplified and streamlined into one easy step.
To learn more about the full scope of Pega Infinity design updates, see Managing list values in Pega Sales Automation.
Previous topic Auto-assign leads with lead routing rules (8.2) Next topic Expedite data migration with the Data Import wizard and File Listener (8.1)