Configure REST connectors to support proxy servers (8.6)
By configuring REST connectors with proxy server routing and authentication, you can securely access online resources that lie beyond your proxy servers. Additionally, this functionality provides the following advantages:
- Existing REST connectors that use JVM arguments to route traffic through proxy servers continue to function as expected through Pega Platform version upgrades.
- Newly implemented REST connectors use the proxy configuration details applied to the rule form.
- Existing and newly implemented REST connectors that are connected to separate proxy servers continue to function as they were originally defined.
- For REST connectors configured starting with Pega Platform™ release 8.6, proxy settings defined on the connector rule form supersede existing JVM arguments.
By configuring REST connectors to support proxy servers you can:
- Set proxy settings directly from Dev Studio.
- Configure proxy server settings for Pega Cloud instances.
You can configure proxy servers using either no authentication, an authentication profile, or an application setting.
The following figure shows the proxy server authentication settings available on the Pega Cloud instances:
For more information, see Configuring a REST connector.
Previous topic Improve the performance of activity-based REST services by filtering the request and response (8.6) Next topic Track status of business processes and data easily by importing Excel files (8.5)