Create conditions faster with an improved condition builder (8.4)
You can now create conditions in an intuitive, enhanced condition builder. You can use conditions in multiple situations, such as controlling the case workflow. For example, in a job application review case type, you can define a condition that moves the case to a job interview only if a job candidate has at least five years of working experience.
Now with a new Anypicker control for selecting fields you can save time by searching for values or selecting values from categories of when conditions and fields. To create precise conditions, you can include fields that are embedded within field groups that store related information, such as a field group of personal details that stores fields containing a job applicant's name, surname, address, and contact details. You can use fields embedded up to four levels, for example, a phone number embedded within the contact details field group. Anypicker displays fields from your data model and when rules that you define in your application.
The following figure shows the Anypicker control in a condition builder:
You can also improve the flexibility of your processes and ensure that an application evaluates conditions regardless of the capitalization that users enter by ignoring case sensitivity in text type fields. For example, an application can return the same result for both of the following two conditions:
Email address is equal to [email protected]
Email address is equal to [email protected].
You can also customize the Commit DateTime value by specifying the number of days before or after an application reaches a specified condition. For example, the condition Commit DateTime is before last 3 days returns a true value if a user resolves a task within three days before the case reaches the condition, and as a result moves a case to a specific stage.
The following figure shows how to define a Commit DateTime value:
Define complex conditions by defining embedded conditions for lists. For example, you can create a condition that displays a list of products that have specific values, such as a color, year, and make.
For more information, see Adding an Anypicker control, Defining conditions in the condition builder.
Previous topic Manage application development efficiently with application inventory (8.4) Next topic Define When rules more efficiently with the condition builder (8.3)