Enforce service-level agreements with automated email notifications
Use emails to notify users when they miss a goal or deadline for an assignment or approval in a case. The case sends these email notifications after the suggested and required completion times for the assignment or approval. By informing users about goals and deadlines, you can ensure that service-level agreements are strictly enforced during case processing.
For example, you can configure a case to send an email to the approvers and their manager when an approval exceeds the goal or deadline time. This notification acts as a reminder for the approvers and also escalates the task to a higher authority.
The following figure illustrates options for configuring the recipients, subject, and message body of your email notifications. The labels vary depending on whether you use App Studio or Dev Studio.
Configuration of a goal notification
You can use the default message, compose a message in a rich text editor, or use Dev Studio to select a correspondence for goal and deadline email notifications.
For more information, see:
- App Studio – Setting goals and deadlines for task completion
- Dev Studio – Setting goals and deadlines for task completion
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