Increase performance for work ID generation (8.3)
In a single-tenant PostgreSQL environment, the performance of work ID generation has greatly increased. Batch-based ID generation improves performance and scalability, which reduces the time that it takes to migrate data to a Pega Platform™ application. Performance improvements are most noticeable in large-scale data migrations. In these cases, work IDs generate 1500-2000 times faster than in previous versions of Pega Platform.
The default batch size for work ID generation is 1000, and is set in the idGenerator/defaultBatchSize dynamic system setting, as shown in the following image.
If you want to use a different batch size for a specific case type, you can override the idGenerator/defaultBatchSize dynamic system setting by using idGenerator/<the case type's name followed by a hyphen>/batchSize, for example, idGenerator/WORK-/batchSize.
For more information about the idGenerator/defaultBatchSize dynamic system setting, see Default dynamic system settings data instances.
For more information about configuring your system with regard to this feature after upgrade, see the post-upgrade tasks in the upgrade guide for your system.
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