Low-code Application Development
Application Development tools help you create high-quality, efficient, and flexible applications. Key enhancements in this release of Pega Platform™ focus on expanding App Studio functionality to further support the Pega Express™ Delivery Approach, improve application performance, and expand a variety of low-code tools to meet more needs of citizen developers. For example, you can now create decision tables directly in App Studio to calculate field values automatically at run time, so that your application can provide the best-tailored solutions in dynamically changing scenarios. For example, an application can select the most appropriate car insurance offer based on a driver's experience and car condition.
To promote low-code solutions and empower citizen developers, you can create configurations whose values users can modify at run time to provide flexible application behavior. In a sample scenario with a banking application, an application administrator can adjust limits for a bank account at run time, simply by providing a new value, without logging in to any configuration portal, as in the following example:
Performance enhancements include a limit for the Tracer event file, which prevents excessive consumption of your disk space, and consequently helps you avoid performance issues. You can also use Tracer to diagnose and debug your Cosmos React UI applications, so that you can deliver bug-free applications that make use of the latest Pega Platform solutions.
Application Development tools include the following enhancements:
- Prepare better for your Microjourney with App Studio enhancements (8.6)
- Calculate values automatically in App Studio with decision tables (8.6)
- Deliver no-code applications with configuration sets (8.6)
- Improve collaboration by filtering Pulse feeds and adding attachments in Cosmos React UI (8.6)
- Debug your Cosmos React UI applications faster with Tracer (8.6)
- Avoid performance issues when monitoring applications with size limit for Tracer files (8.6)
- Manage access for personas more efficiently in App Studio (8.6)
- Link objects in your application conveniently with fields to capture data (8.6)
- Plan your Microjourneys more conveniently in an improved Case Designer (8.5)
- Estimate projects automatically in App Studio (8.5)
- Define fields in data objects intuitively (8.5)
- Search for Pulse messages in spaces (8.5)
- Find items quickly in App Studio (8.5)
- Create conditions in an enhanced condition builder (8.5)
- Navigate easier across business logic-based routing cards (8.5)
- Develop applications faster with nested Declare Trigger rules (8.5)
- Plan successful Microjourneys in App Studio (8.4)
- Manage application development efficiently with application Inventory (8.4)
- Create conditions faster with an Anypicker control (8.4)
- Improve application development by saving changes in branches (8.3)
- Define When rules more efficiently with the condition builder (8.3)
- Switch between applications more conveniently in App Studio (8.3)
- Generate customized application documentation in App Studio (8.3)
- Visualize application layers for case processes and sections (8.2)
- Improve productivity by using role-based workspaces (8.1)
- Review key application highlights on a single page (8.1)
- Collaborate by using agile-development features (8.1)
- Manage your library of reusable components more efficiently (8.1)
Visit www.pega.com to learn more about Pega Infinity™.
Visit What's New in Pega Platform to discover all the exciting new features in this release.
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