Run offline-enabled applications in an enhanced Windows client (8.2)
With the latest release of Pega Client for Windows, you can build effective, dedicated Windows applications that contain your offline-enabled applications, to give your users the experience comparable to using custom mobile apps that run on mobile devices.
Pega Client for Windows can now store and synchronize large binary data items and their corresponding actions from the action queue. As a result, offline-enabled application users can view, attach, and delete data files from within a case view, whether the Windows-based device is online or offline. To use this feature, you must enable offline case attachment support, which allows offline-enabled applications to synchronize case attachments between Pega Platform and the device.
Another update that enhances the Pega Client for Windows experience is that application users can choose within a case view between attaching a file by using a native file picker control, or taking pictures with the camera that is available on the device. When the user takes a picture, the picture is immediately attached to the case. Picture file names are created based on a time stamp. If the device has no camera, the client skips the source selection step and the native file picker control opens.
Attaching pictures in Pega Client for Windows
Offline-enabled applications that are built on Pega Client for Windows can now collect and store geolocation data at a case level, increasing your safety when working in the field. Your location can be monitored regardless of the status of your connection to the server.
For more information, see Enabling offline case attachments support and Attach content support in offline mode.
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