What's new in Process Commander V5.3 - Encryption
Released in July 2007, Process Commander V5.3 offers dozens of new capabilities for developers, application users, and system administrators, and resolves issues found in earlier versions. For an overview, see What's new in Process Commander 5.3.
New security and encryption facilities provide additional ways to maintain the integrity of your applications:
- External authentication
- SSL and email
- Password management
- TextEncryped property type
- Blob encryption by class
- Suppress exception details
External authentication
A new Custom tab on the Authentication Services form simplifies configuration and replaces PRExternal
as the preferred method of facilitating external authentication. See Authentication in Process Commander.
SSL and email
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) options are now available for both sending and receiving e-mail.
Password management
New password control facilities are now packaged as an optional RuleSet named PegaPwdControl,
included in the Resource Kit directory of the distribution kit. When this RuleSet is installed, you can implement many restrictions on passwords, such as:
- Passwords must be at least eight characters in length
- The password can contain no repeated characters
- Each password must contain at least one alphabetic, one numeric and on punctuation character
- The passwords cannot match the Operator ID
- Passwords cannot be reused for 12 months
- A password reset is forced for for first use and every 30 days thereafter
TextEncrypted property type
A new property type is available: TextEncrypted
. This type allows you to implement a unique, private encryption algorithm. Your application can allow some users to see the clear-text values while others can see only an encrypted value, based on a Rule-Access-When rule evaluation.
Blob encryption by class
On the Class form, you can cause Process Commander to encrypt the BLOB column for saved instances of that class. The system encrypts the data as an instance is saved to the PegaRULES database; and decrypts the data upon retrieval. (Properties exposed as database columns are unaffect by this setting.)
Suppress exception details
A new option in the prconfig.xml
file suppresses the display of Java exception details on the User portal when exceptions occur.
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To download the latest 5.3 product documentation, see PRPC 5.3 Release Announcement.
To request an installation kit for the V5.3 release see Process Commander V5.3 is Available.
(Links in this topic marked with the help icon access a 5.3 help system topic, adapted for PDN display).
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