Grouping items
Combine similar items into a single entry to change the organization of data in
reports and charts. For example, analysts might request to view all websites from the
domain as a single group.
You can group any of the following items:
- Applications: For instance, you could group all of the Microsoft Office applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on, into a single Microsoft Office group.
- Websites: Pega Workforce Intelligence looks at each website’s qualified domain name, so all of the addresses that branch off from the qualified domain name could be grouped into a single item for reporting purposes.
- Off Computer Reason Codes: For example, if you had reason codes for tasks like scanning, copying, printing, and packaging, you could group them into a single mail room item.
- Adding groups
You can add as many groups as you want to combine like items, such as applications, into a single entry.
- Adding items to groups
Assign similar items to groups if you want to view multiple items as a single entry during analysis and for reporting purposes.
- Editing and deleting groups
If you decide you want to change the name of a group, you can edit the group. If you no longer need a group, you can delete it.
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