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Splitting data collectors

Updated on May 5, 2021

If you joined data collectors by mistake or need to split joined data collectors for specific reporting needs, you can split data collectors.

Note: You cannot split data collectors using the import file. You must split users in the Edit window for the primary data collector in Pega Workforce Intelligence.
  1. In the header of Pega Workforce Intelligence, click AdministrationOrganization.
  2. On the Organization page, click Data Collectors.
  3. In the Data Collection Users table, click the More options icon beside the data collector and click Edit.
  4. On the Edit window, in the Alternate IDs field, click X for an alternate ID that you want to remove from the Primary ID for this data collector.
  5. On the Split Users window, verify that the check box next to the alternate ID that you want to split is selected.
  6. If needed, select check boxes for additional alternate IDs that you want to split from this primary ID.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. On the Edit window, verify that the alternate IDs you selected are no longer displayed in the Alternate IDs field.
  9. Click Submit.
    Result: The data collectors that you selected are now created as separate data collectors with primary IDs, and they are listed separately in the Data Collection Users table. The Most Recent Shift column shows the date from the shift when the data collectors were primary IDs (prior to being joined).

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