Splitting data collectors
If you joined data collectors by mistake or need to split joined data collectors for specific reporting needs, you can split data collectors.
- In the header of Pega Workforce Intelligence, click .
- On the Organization page, click Data Collectors.
- In the Data Collection Users table, click the More options icon beside the data collector and click Edit.
- On the Edit window, in the Alternate IDs field, click X for an alternate ID that you want to remove from the Primary ID for this data collector.
- On the Split Users window, verify that the check box next to the alternate ID that you want to split is selected.
- If needed, select check boxes for additional alternate IDs that you want to split from this primary ID.
- Click Submit.
- On the Edit window, verify that the alternate IDs you selected are no longer displayed in the Alternate IDs field.
- Click Submit.
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