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Update access groups from the command line

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

Remotely update access groups by using the prpcServiceUtils tool. This feature is useful in automated deployment scenarios when you want to provide access to a new application version.

For more information, see Updating access groups from the command line.

Cluster-wide tracing for service rule

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

RuleWatch Tracing of Service Rules has been enhanced to support cluster-wide tracing. Cluster-wide tracing makes it easier for you to troubleshoot services in clustered configurations where a load balancer dynamically assigns service requests to nodes in the cluster. This functionality is especially useful for debugging mobile applications, REST Web Services, and other stateless service executions. When tracing across the cluster, the trace feature captures only one trace at a time, which might result in some concurrent service executions not being traced. All other concurrent service executions in the cluster continue unimpeded. When the trace in progress is completed, the next new service execution in the cluster is traced. For example, you might see traces for invocation one on node A, invocation two on node C, and invocation four on node B. This selective tracing approach ensures that tracing with a breakpoint will not stop all service executions across the cluster. The trace/cluster/ServiceRuleWatchmaxProductionLevel Dynamic System Setting has also been added, which allows you to selectively disable tracing based on production level to eliminate performance issues related to tracing in production systems.

As a result of this enhancement, only one user can trace a service rule at any given time. An error message is displayed if you try to trace a service rule that is being traced by another user.

For more information, see Cluster-wide tracing of service rules.

Support for creating PegaUnit test cases for strategy rules

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can create PegaUnit test cases for strategy rules in Designer Studio and in the decisioning user portals to compare the output of a strategy to the results that are returned by running the strategy. For example, you can verify that the number of propositions per customer is less than or equal to a certain value.

For more information, see:

Improvements to guided tour creation

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

Usability improvements to creating and managing guided tours enable you to more efficiently create tours that introduce the key features of your application. Now, you configure the Manage guided tour action on a control to start, continue, or dismiss a tour, instead of specifying an API script.

For more information, see Managing a guided tour.

Decision result assertions are supported for PegaUnit test cases

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

When you create PegaUnit test cases for decision trees or decision tables, you can now configure decision result assertions. You can specify one or more input and result combinations that you expect to see when you run a decision tree or decision table, and compare it to the results that are returned by running the rule.

For more information, see Configuring decision result assertions.

Improved requestor management

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now manage the requestors from all the nodes in a cluster by using the Requestor Management landing page. You can view performance details about requestors, run traces, and stop requestors. On this landing page, you can also filter the list of requestors, and view cluster-based and node-based views of requestors.

For more information, see Managing requestors.

Create case and Wait smart shapes are available for stage steps

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can design case types more efficiently by using smart shapes, which are steps with preconfigured functionality. Use the Create case step to create a case from an existing case type, or to create a new case type, and transfer information from the original case to the new one. Use the Wait step to pause case processing until another case reaches a specified status.

For more information, see Adding a preconfigured step to a process.

New Mobile Apps form for defining and building mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You now create and build mobile apps in Pega Express from the Mobile Apps form. The new console is a control center for mobile apps where you can gather applications, services, components, and settings in one place to fully customize your apps. You can create and build one instance of a custom mobile app and define multiple native mobile apps that can use the Pega Mobile SDK. To push notifications to an Android or to an iOS device, you must define an SDK mobile app in Pega Express with a certificate set that has push notifications enabled.

For more information, see Configuring a custom mobile app and Configuring push notifications for an SDK app.

Navigation of sections based on templates in Pega Express

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

When editing a case form in Pega Express, you can navigate up and down through the section structure. If a section uses a design template, you can drill down to a nested child section by clicking it. Drilling down facilitates navigation through the section structure. You can drill down from a parent to a child section or up from a child section to its parent.

For more information, see Improved section navigation and organization in Pega Express.

Drag and drop sections in Pega Express

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

When editing a case form, you can select, drag, and drop sections that use a design template inside a form. Drag and drop provides a simplified way to reorganize sections on a form.

For more information, see Improved section navigation and organization in Pega Express.

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