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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Node classification

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

By using the node classification feature, which segregates nodes by their purpose, you can now configure one node with multiple node types. When you start a node with multiple node types, the node runs a set of agents and listeners that are associated with the specified node types. From the Node Classification landing page, you can view and configure the agents associated with node types, view listeners associated with node types, and open Agent rule forms, agent schedules, and Listener rule forms.

For more information, see Node Classification, Configuring node types for agents and listener and Node classification.

Multistatus case dependencies replace custom implementations

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now quickly define a case dependency that supports variations of a resolved status, such as Resolved-Completed and Resolved-Rejected. Because the definition of a resolved case now includes all status values that start with the word “Resolved,” you can replace custom logic in your application with a Wait shape that you configure in a flow.

For more information about defining a case dependency, see:

Support for Couchbase Server NoSQL database

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Pega® Platform can now read data from and write data to a Couchbase Server database. Couchbase is a NoSQL database that you can use when a NoSQL database better meets your scalability and processing requirements.

For a list of supported and unsupported features, see Couchbase Server support.

Node types renamed after upgrade from Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

If you used node classification in Pega® 7.2.2, when you upgrade to Pega 7.3, node type names are automatically changed to a new name when you start a node with a node type.

  • UniversalNode becomes Universal
  • WebUserNode becomes WebUser
  • BackgroundProcessingNode becomes BackgroundProcessing
  • BIXNode becomes BIX
  • SearchNode becomes Search

If you created agents in Pega 7.2.2, agent schedules are also automatically updated with a new name during the upgrade. For more information, see Customized agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents must be updated after Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 upgrade and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

SystemCleaner agent is split into node-level and cluster-level agents

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Pega-RULES:SystemCleaner agent has been split into node-level and cluster-level agents to avoid database performance issues. The new node-level agent, Pega-RulesEngine:NodeCleaner, runs on all the nodes in the cluster, while the new cluster-level agent, Pega-RulesEngine:ClusterAndDBCleaner, runs on only one node in the cluster. If you customized the agent schedules of the Pega-RULES:SystemCleaner agent, you must manually update the agent schedules of the new agents because customized schedules are not retained.

For more information, see Agent schedule data instances – Completing the Schedule tab.

Greater cluster stability with client-server clustering topology

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now deploy Pega® Platform in the new client-server clustering topology that uses Apache Ignite, which increases stability in large clusters and provides independent scalability for both servers and clients. This technology separates the client nodes, which are responsible for Pega Platform processes, from the server nodes, which are responsible for cluster communication and distributed features. If your production environment consists of more than five nodes in the cluster, it is recommended that you switch to the new client-server topology.

For more information, see Apache Ignite client-server clustering topology and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

Cases no longer locked when followed

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Work party properties of the type follower are no longer associated with the cases that you follow. Cases are no longer locked when you follow them, so now all users can follow a case. If you upgrade to Pega 7.3, you can run a utility to upgrade the cases that you are following so that they are no longer locked when they are followed.​

For more information, see Upgrading cases and followers.

Create pre-import and post-import steps

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

To take specific actions based on archive metadata, add pre-import and post-import action steps to collections. For example, you can configure a pre-import activity to automatically verify that an archive meets certain criteria before you import the archive. If the archive does not meet the criteria, Pega® Platform does not import the archive.

For more information, see Pre-import and post-import collections.

Rollover policy for log files

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The rollover policy for log files is now based on time (daily) and file size (maximum file size is 250 MB). Log files are rolled over daily or when the maximum file size is reached. Current (not rolled over) log files do not have a time stamp. The time stamp is added when the log file is rolled over. In addition, the log file name for the current log file does not include the date. You can add the date to the current log file; however, the log file will not be rolled over. In addition, the web.temdir variable for setting the log file location is no longer supported; use the pega.logdir variable instead.

For more information, see Pega Platform logging with the Log4j 2 logging service.

Customized agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents must be updated after Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 upgrade

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

If you used node classification in Pega® 7.2.2, when you upgrade to Pega 7.3, node type names are automatically changed to a new name when you start a node with a node type. Agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents are deleted and re-created with the new node type name, but any customization that you made in Pega 7.2.2 is not saved. You must manually update the agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents in Pega 7.3.

For more information, see Node types renamed after upgrade from Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

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