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Personalize your dashboard with widgets and templates

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

New personalized dashboards can be customized and shared by end users. Select a default template or create your own. Choose from one of several default widgets or design a configurable widget to provide core business metrics to your users. From the new Settings tab, you can select whether a section is a template or widget.

Number and text input controls on Android devices may not display the correct keyboard

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

When running a Pega 7 application on a device using the Android operating system, pxNumber and pxTextInput controls may not display when using the desired on-screen keyboard. This happens when the number or text input type is set to number.

At design time, the input type is selected in the Editable Format section of the Presentation tab in the Cell Properties panel for a pxNumber or pxTextInput control. Due to a known limitation in some versions of the Android OS running on some devices, the keyboard displayed at run time may not support entry of decimal values when a Number type keyboard is specified.

To resolve this issue, use the Phone type when numbers with decimal values may be required. Using the Phone type displays a numerical phone keyboard. The Android phone keyboard includes both commas and periods so that decimals may be entered.

Cell Properties dialog

The Phone type selected in the Presentation tab of a Number control

Note that this issue only occurs on Android devices. It is recommended that applications for iOS continue to use type=“Number”.

Internet Application Composer (IAC) renamed to Pega Web Mashup

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.9

The name of Internet Application Composer (IAC) has changed to Pega Web Mashup.

For more information, see Pega web mashups for embedding Pega Platform UI in external web pages.

Accessibility support using WAI-ARIA roles

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.9

The Pega 7 Platform supports accessibility by using Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Application (WAI-ARIA) roles. WAI-ARIA roles are a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ontology that specifies roles, states, or properties for each user interface element. Roles provide semantic information about features, structures, and behaviors that assistive technologies use to convey information to users.

  • The dynamic container is marked as the main content area by default. When a user tabs through a page, the user can choose to follow a skip to the main content link by pressing the Enter key.
  • WAI-ARIA roles are included by default on screen layouts, and each panel of the screen layout is assigned a role that is based on its position.
  • Dynamic layouts can be configured with a specific WAI-ARIA role, depending on the function of the layout in the user interface.

Accessibility improvements

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Several improvements are now available that enable application accessibility. These improvements affect the wait indicator, overlays, and collapsible layouts.

The wait indicator, or throbber, announces its status to an assistive technology such as JAWS.

  • When loading, the throbber announces “Loading content” or other text that can be edited in the pyThrobberLoadingText property.
  • When loading is completed, the throbber announces “Loading completed” or other text that can be edited in the pyThrobberLoadingCompletedText property.
  • The loading announcement is set by default to a three-second delay, which can be modified in the pyThrobberAnnouncementDelay property.

Overlays are announced by an assistive technology and overlay content can be tabbed through by using the Tab key without closing the overlay. Overlays can be closed by pressing the Esc key. This behavior applies to all overlays and modal dialog boxes that are opened as local actions and popovers that are part of the autogenerated UI.

All users, including those not using an assistive technology, can focus the expand and collapse feature of a layout by using the Tab key. The expanded or collapsed state is announced by screen readers.

Date control for past and future years

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

The Date control can be configured to show only past dates, only future dates, or any date range that includes the current year. The Display range can be set to include a configurable range of previous years or next years. The number of years is relative to the user’s date.

Enabling run-time edit in Live UI

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

When you inspect a rule with the Live UI tool, you can enable editing if editing has not yet been enabled for the application. The Enable live editing link at the top of the property panel adds a run-time edit branch to the current application's definition. A similar option is available when you add or move elements by using Live UI.

Introducing the proximity widget

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can use the new proximity widget to display on a map the open cases that are within a certain distance of your current location. You can configure the widget to show open cases within a radius of up to 50 miles.

For more information, see Proximity widget.

Skins can inherit formats from a parent

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Skin inheritance allows a dependent skin to inherit formats and mixins from a parent skin. This feature provides a modular organization of styles, reducing the cost of maintaining skins. You can create a specific mobile skin to include mobile-specific styles and disable unused styles to decrease the size of the CSS. Inherited formats are displayed on the Inheritance tab of the skin. Formats that are specific to the skin are displayed on the My formats tab.

For more information, see Skin inheritance.

Paginated lists in repeating dynamic layouts

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Repeating dynamic layouts can now display paginated lists. Pagination reduces the cost of loading the entire list onto the browser. You configure pagination on the General tab of the layout properties.

For more information, see Dynamic Layout Properties - General tab.

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