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Add custom controls to section palettes

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can add custom controls to the Basic or Advanced palettes in sections. With this enhancement, Pega® Platform developers have easy access to custom controls. The Show in authoring menus check box is available in the HTML tab of the custom control rule. You can add a custom icon to display in the menu with the custom control.

For more information see Adding custom controls to the section palette in Designer Studio.

Create email correspondence by using templates

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can configure email correspondence rules by using email templates. Email templates provide custom email formats for users and give developers a greater degree of customization in designing email correspondence. Select an email template on the Corr tab of a correspondence rule by clicking Edit mode and selecting Templated email from the menu. You can also create a section as an email template by clicking Email template on the Settings tab of the section form. For more information see Creating email correspondence by using a template.

Actions available for custom controls

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

All standard actions that are available for autogenerated controls are available on non-autogenerated custom controls as well. You can configure actions on custom controls by using the legacy actions options or the standard options that are available to custom and autogenerated controls. By using the standard options, developers can now configure multiple action sets for different types of events on a single custom control.

For more information, see Actions tab.

Edit sections across Pega Express and Designer Studio

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Sections created in Pega® Express can be edited in Designer Studio, saved, and then reopened in Pega Express. This allows developers to create more complex, feature-rich sections and make them accessible to Pega Express users. In the section rule, you can convert template-based sections to full sections that no longer use a template.

For more information, see Harness and Section forms - Adding a section.

Style UI elements based on their state

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can style a control or component based on its state to give users a visual indication of an element's current state, without overriding the CSS file. The styles that you specified for each state (hover, focus, or active) are applied at run time.

For more information, see Styling UI elements based on their state.

Style radio buttons as segmented buttons

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can configure radio buttons to be displayed as segmented buttons. Segmented buttons display multiple button options in a compact format. Segmented buttons do not support vertical orientation. On the Presentation tab of the properties panel, set Control format to Other and select Segmented.

For more information, see Radio Buttons control properties – Presentation tab.

Text file rules support JavaScript and CSS validation

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Rule-File-Text rule form supports validation errors and warnings for JavaScript and CSS files. This support makes JavaScript and CSS code easier to maintain and allows you to follow best practices while editing the rule. Any JavaScript or CSS validation warnings generate a guardrail warning of moderate severity.

For more information, see Text File rules - JavaScript and CSS validation.

The Scratch Pad tool is no longer available

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

The Scratch Pad tool is no longer available. To add properties to a report from an end user portal, use the Data Explorer. The Data Explorer provides an efficient way to find a property or calculation to include as a column in a report.

For more information, see Data Explorer.

Attach Content control enhancements

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now use the Attach Content control in Pega® Platform to configure compression options that limit the size of files created on a mobile device. For example, you can choose from predefined settings to limit video duration or image size. These settings apply when the user records a new video or takes a new photo, but they do not apply to prerecorded media.

Also, when attaching content to a custom mobile app, users can now select any type of file from any source that is available in the device's native file picker component.

For more information, see Configuring file size options for the Attach content control.

Multi-Select list control

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can add a Multi-Select list control to a user form so that application users can select more than one value for a single field. These lists save time and ensure accuracy by supplying a list of valid values for an input field. You can source a Multi-Select list control from a data page, clipboard page, or report definition.

For more information, see Adding and configuring a Multi-Select list control.

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