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Case notification enhancements

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Pega Platform™ now supports creating case notifications directly in Case Designer in App Studio and Dev Studio, so that you do not need to create a notification rule first and then provide the rule name in a case. You can speed up and simplify case creation by specifying recipients for each notification, without the need to create a data page for the recipients. Push notifications and email subjects can now also include properties, for example, a case ID or a goal and deadline.

For more information, see Sending event notifications from cases in Dev Studio, Sending event notifications from cases in App Studio.

Improved and simplified field-level auditing

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

To track the progress of your work and maintain the compliance of your cases, both App Studio and Dev Studio now support field-level auditing for case fields. Your application tracks and displays information about user updates to scalar fields, field groups, and field group lists, at any level of your case data model. For example, you can check previous and current field values, the last user to change the values, and the time of their modification. 

For more information, see Track changes in cases with improved field-level auditing (8.4), Enabling field-level auditing in Dev StudioEnabling field-level auditing in App Studio.   

Creation of case documents in a case life cycle

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

To save time and further automate your business processes, Pega Platform™ now supports generating case documents as part of the case life cycle. You can ensure that the documents include all necessary information by first creating a document template in a word processor. When you create a template, you add dynamic tags that your application populates with relevant data unique to each case, for example, the case ID and current date. To make your documentation more meaningful, you can also include attachments.

For more information, see Generate case documents in a case life cycle (8.4)Generating case documents in Dev Studio, Generating case documents in App Studio.

Enhancements to automations for defining Pega API contracts

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

With enhanced automations, you can now pass embedded pages, specify default values for optional input parameters, and define a set of values for inputs by using the picklist or enumerated field types. The new enhancements make your applications easier to define and maintain, and you can now provide callers of Pega APIs with a clear description of the API.

For more information, see Viewing automations.

Pulse configurations in the case type settings

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

In both App Studio and Dev Studio you can now configure Pulse in a simplified and user-friendly way, in the case type settings. Add Pulse posts to cases, define default and add new feed sources, and then customize the Pulse label, all without performing advanced actions, such as configuring sections. You can also define visibility conditions for each post type.

For more information, see Start collaborating faster with simplified Pulse configuration (8.4)Configuring Pulse for case types in Dev StudioConfiguring Pulse for case types in App Studio.

Simulation of data pages and third-party connections

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

When configuring your unit test case environment, you can now set up simulated data for connector and data page rules, instead of connecting to external sources.

By simulating such data calls, you are not dependent on any third-party server when running your tests.

This feature supports the following rules:

  • Data page
  • Connect-Cassandra
  • Connect-CMIS
  • Connect-dotNet
  • Connect-EJB
  • Connect-HBase
  • Connect-HTTP
  • Connect-Java
  • Connect-JMS
  • Connect-MQ
  • Connect-REST
  • Connect-SAP
  • Connect-SAPJCo
  • Connect-SOAP

For more information about simulating third-party connections, see Simulating data pages and third-party connections.

New branch quality dashboard

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Pega Platform™ 8.4 introduces a new branch quality dashboard that shows the following metrics:

  • The branch’s guardrail compliance score and the number of guardrail violations
  • The percentage and number of unit tests that passed for the branch
  • The percentage and number of rules that the tests cover
  • Potential merge conflicts that can be addressed directly from the branch quality dashboard

For more information about the new branch quality dashboard, see Viewing branch quality and branch contents.

Autopopulated properties support savable data pages

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

To more easily source data, you can now save an autopopulated property that references a savable data page. For properties that you autopopulate by copy, save plans now execute on the copy, instead of on the data page. These enhancements reduce implementation time and make the applications that you build more manageable.

Updated default dynamic system setting for requestor pools

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

Clients can now enable or disable requestor pools for processing service requests using a new dynamic system setting called EnableRequestorPools with Pega-IntegrationEngine as the owning rulest. Previously, all deployments utilized requestor pools to improve service processing response efficiency; requestor pools eliminated overhead by automatically returning a requestor to the pool after it fulfills a service request. Starting in Pega Platform 8.4, requestor pools are disabled in Client-managed cloud deployments, since these deployments use autoscaling to handle service request traffic. Enabling requestor pools in Kubernetes environments is not recommended, because they can inhibit the default autoscaling settings in the environment.

Requestor pools remain enabled by default in Pega Cloud and on-premises environments.

To help clients navigate this change, Pega has updated its best practice guidance for configuring requestor pools. For an overview, see Requestor pooling for services. For guidance on the use of requestor pools in your application, see the EnableRequestorPools entry in Dynamic system settings data instances.

Upgrade impact

Requestor pools are disabled by default in Pega Platform 8.4 in client-managed cloud deployments. Clients who deployed previous versions of Pega Platform on a Kubernetes environment and who upgrade to Pega Platform 8.4 could see that their services behave differently.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If clients that are deployed in a Client-managed cloud environment need to configure their services to use requestor pools and they understand how to configure requestor pools for their optimized use, these clients can re-enable requestor pools. Clients should review the best practice for configuring requestor pools before they re-enable requestor pools. To re-enable requestor pools, you modify the EnableRequestorPools setting in the Pega-IntegrationEngine Owning ruleset from “disabled” to Enabled [no value]. For details, see Editing a dynamic system setting.

Enhanced reliability and stability of scenario tests

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Several enhancements have been made to scenario tests to increase their stability and reliability. With enhanced improvements, you can now:

  • Delay the execution of a step within a scenario test to add latency to a web browser and actions on a web page. This prevents tests from failing when a dynamic web page does not load all page element at once, but the test finds page elements that are immediately rendered.
  • Automatically rerun failed scenario tests, which might fail because there are temporal stability issues on the environment or because the application UI is slowly renders.
  • View the run history of scenario tests so that you can analyze the history of a test over time.

For more information, see the following:

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