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Published Release Notes

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Plan projects using release data

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

Requirements and specifications can now be mapped to a target release and iteration within a specific release. Populating these fields allows you to set and publish a release schedule through worksheets generated by the Sizing wizard. Access these fields from the Application Profile landing page or by opening any requirement or specification.

The Release and Iteration fields as they appear in a specification and a corresponding worksheet

The Sizing wizard incorporates values from the Release and Iteration fields for specifications only.

Specification type extended for decisioning users

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

Specifications now support a Decision Strategy Manager (DSM) type. This allows you to map your specifications to a decisioning component, such as a strategy or model. After you select an appropriate subtype and provide relevant metadata, you can run the Sizing wizard to incorporate these details into project sizing worksheets.

DSM specification details as they appear in the Specification form and Sizing wizard output

You must have access to Decision Management rulesets to create DSM specifications. For more information on specification types, refer to the Details tab of the Specification form. To view all specifications in your application, filtered by type, refer to the Application Profile landing page.

Add collections as linked implementations

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

You can now identify a collection or individual steps within a collection as an implementation of a specification. Linking specifications to rules allows you to more accurately convey your application design to project stakeholders. Use the Specifications tab on the Collection form to create these links.

To see all implementations for a given specification, refer to the Application Profile landing page or the Implementations tab of the Specification form.

Add project branding to generated documents

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

The standard Word Template for specification descriptions is now extensible. Using a customized template allows you to brand your generated documents with project-specific elements.

Specialize the Rule-Application-UseCase.pySpecificationDescription rule to:

Generated document with custom company logo

Refer to Advanced options for editing specifications for instructions on how to override this template.

Offline mobile apps require Dynamic Container to use frameless Single Document mode

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

You can add a Dynamic Container (DC) directly into a Dynamic Layout cell. When creating a custom mobile app with offline capability, you must use the frameless Single Document mode of DC.

Note that mobile offline capability does not support using a framed Single Document mode.

Generate documents in the background

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

When you generate system documentation by using the Document Application wizard (Designer Studio > Application > Tools > Document), the process now runs on a server and not on your local client system. This change not only generates your document more quickly, but also allows you to multi-task within Pega 7 while your document is generating in the background. When the generation is completed, download the document to your computer.

For more information, see:

Updating customized Application Document templates with server-side document generation

Screenshot generation still runs on local client

Warning message when opening server-generated documents

Screenshot generation runs on local client

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

If you generate screenshots to include in your application document, this process still runs on your local client. Additionally, you are still required to use Internet Explorer to use this feature.

Warning message when opening server-generated documents

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

Depending on your system configuration, the following warning message might be displayed when you open a document that was generated on the server.

If you click No, certain content (for example, Table of Contents) is not populated in the document. Instead, click Yes and save the document.

Warning message dialog

The warning message that displays

Link URLs to applications, requirements, and specifications

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.8

In addition to files, you can now attach URLs to applications, requirements, and specifications by using the Add/Edit Attachment modal dialog box in Pega 7. This change allows you to link directly to dynamic content in other URL-based systems rather than link to a static file of that content.

Updated Word merge support with Microsoft Silverlight plug-in

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.3

Starting in this release, Pega 7 features that integrate with the Word merge capability are now cross-browser. ActiveX controls (which are only compatible with Internet Explorer) have been replaced with Microsoft Silverlight. This plug-in must be downloaded separately from Microsoft because it is not shipped with Pega 7.

Common features that are affected by this change include the Specification form and Case Type landing page.

Prior to using these features, see the release note Word merge support with Microsoft Silverlight plug-in for more information about setting up their client systems.

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