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No video controllers displayed on Android 4.3 and earlier versions

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

When you preview a video clip within Pega® Mobile Client on a mobile device that runs Android 4.3 or earlier versions, video controllers are not displayed in full-screen mode.

Change passwords from Pega Mobile Client

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now change your Pega® Platform password from a mobile device. After your password expires and you try to log in to a custom mobile app, Pega Mobile Client lets you define a new password and verifies it against active password policies.

For more information, see Enabling security policies.

Advance cases from a push notification screen

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now approve and reject Pega® Platform cases from your mobile device without opening a custom mobile app. Push notifications that you receive on a mobile device now display buttons that allow you to advance a case.

For more information, see Notifications.

Post Pulse messages to cases from a push notification screen

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

If your mobile device uses Android 7.0 or later, or iOS 9.0 or later, you can now respond to Pulse messages in Pega® Platform cases without opening a custom mobile app. Push notifications received on a mobile device now display a Reply button so that you can respond immediately to the notification.

For more information, see Notifications.

Support for optimization of offline packaging during synchronization

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now optimize offline packaging during full and delta synchronization of an offline-enabled application. Enabling this option for an offline-enabled application means that a case is packaged during delta synchronization only when a new work item for the case is added to the user's worklist and the case was not previously packaged during full or delta synchronization. The case is packaged during full synchronization only when the work item for the case exists in the user's worklist. This feature is useful in field service applications where field service agents usually work on existing assignments and do not need to create new cases.

For more information, see Offline packaging optimization during synchronization.

Support for controlling binary file upload in Pega Mobile Client

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The Client Store API of Pega® Mobile Client has been modified so that you can suspend and resume the process of uploading binary files to the server. You can also check the state of the file uploading process. As a result, custom mobile app users can process their work items without having to wait for the synchronization process to finish.

For more information, see Pega Mobile Client API methods for controlling binary data upload and Client Store API.

Support for large binary data item storage in Pega Mobile Client and offline case attachments in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Pega® Mobile Client can now store and synchronize large binary data items and their corresponding actions from the action queue on Android and iOS devices. As a result, custom mobile app users can view, attach, and delete data files, whether the device is online or offline. For this function to work, you must enable offline case attachment support, which allows your custom mobile apps to synchronize case attachments between the Pega Platform and the mobile device.

For more information, see Enabling offline case attachments support and Client Store API.

Improvements in the process engine for offline-enabled applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The offline process engine includes several improvements. To provide more options when you develop an offline-enabled application, a decision shape as the first shape in a flow and parameters for the CreateNewWork action are now supported. Offline-enabled applications now also display information about the last data synchronization.

For more information, see Flow processing in offline mode.

Touch response supported on mobile devices

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

When displayed on a mobile device, all active elements of the Pega® Platform user interface now respond to touch by changing their appearance. No additional configuration is available or necessary.

Setting a build version of the custom mobile app

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

When you build a custom mobile app, you can now configure a build version and leave the custom mobile app version unchanged. This way you can upload an updated custom mobile app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store without having to increment the app version.

For more information, see Setting the app build version.

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