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Support for the decisioning-enabled NLP text analyzer in IVAs and Email Bots

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

You can now use the new intelligent natural language processing (iNLP) text analyzer in Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistants™ (IVAs) and Pega Email Bots™. This advanced text analyzer is decisioning-enabled and empowers IVA or Email Bot for all conversational channels to provide smarter responses. The decisioning capability in the system integrates text analytics with strategies, prepositions, and interaction history, to provide the context for making better next-best-action decisions.

For more information, see Use the decisioning-enabled NLP text analyzer in IVAs and Email Bots, Defining advanced Facebook text analyzer configuration and Facebook channel behavior.

Upgrade impact

Existing channels remain with the current configuration, and their current functionality does not change. Channels created after the upgrade automatically use the new text analyzer.  

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

The new text analyzer is enabled or disabled using a new interactive API (iAPI) selection, which is selected by default for new channels. You can disable the iAPI for new channels if you want to maintain current functionality. You can also enable it for existing channels if you want to move existing channels to the new functionality.

Support for multiple work queues in the Email Manager portal

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Email Bot™ now provides multiple work queues in the Email Manager portal. With this functionality, operators, such as customer service representatives, can now triage cases more efficiently by selecting different work queues. Operators have access to work queues only for the current Pega Platform™ application.

For more information, see Email Manager portal.

Automatic model training when mapping entities to case properties in Email Bot

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

You can now initiate automatic feedback to entity models in Pega Email Bot™, during manual mapping of email content to a case property.

To enable automatic feedback, you set the Work-Channel-Triage.pyIsRuntimeFeedback rule to true in Pega Platform™. By default this feature is disabled. Enabling this feature ensures that the email bot is more responsive by automatically copying detected entities, such as names, locations, dates, and ZIP codes, to case type properties of a case type.

For more information, see Email triage, Email channel NLP model and Enabling the NLP model training for the email channel.

Email bots now support multiple languages

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

You can now configure Pega Email Bot™ to perform text analysis, use training data and triage emails in multiple languages, for example, English, French, German, and Spanish. By detecting topics and entities from emails in different languages, the system can suggest the correct business case and provide an email response in the user's own language.

For more information, see Selecting languages for an Email channel and Enabling automatic language detection for text analysis.

Support for seamless transitions between IVAs and customer service representatives

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

To ensure the best user experience in chat sessions with a Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA), customer service representatives (CSRs) can now step in and take control of a chat session multiple times, when the chatbot is not capable of correctly answering the user. After the user problem is resolved, the CSR can seamlessly switch control of the chat session back to the chatbot.

Unified Messaging Desktop integration with Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 8.4

You can now use the Pega Unified Messaging Desktop™ customer service solution with a Pega Platform™ application so that customer service representatives (CSRs) and other users, such as managers, can respond to user requests more quickly and in a more consistent manner. With integrated Pega Unified Messaging Desktop, CSRs can escalate user requests from Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistants™ (IVAs) by using case processing and artificial intelligence alongside Pega Customer Service™

For more information, see Develop a single IVA channel to chat across different messaging platforms.

Reports with visualizations of performance and automation levels for the email bot

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

In the Email Manager portal, you can now use built-in reports to visualize Pega Email Bot™ performance and the automation levels that are related to received emails, triaged cases, and created business cases. You can plug the reports to display the report data in other portals, for example the Case Manager portal. Based on the information displayed in the reports, you can adjust the machine learning models to achieve greater automation in the system.

For more information, see Viewing the reports for the Email channel and Built-in reports for the email bot.

Improved experience when building an IVA and Email Bot in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Build your Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) and Pega Email Bot™ while working only in App Studio. This approach makes the design process easier and more intuitive, and saves you time. You can now modify the advanced text analyzer configuration while working in App Studio. In addition, if you have access to Dev Studio, you can edit the text analyzer rule from App Studio for your chatbot or email bot by clicking a link to open the settings in Dev Studio.

For more information, see Adding a text analyzer for an email bot and Adding a text analyzer for an IVA.

Triage cases archiving in the email bot (Pega Cloud Services)

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

For Pega Platform™ that is installed in Pega Cloud® Services, you can configure Pega Email Bot™ to archive resolved triage cases that are older than a specified number of days. Archiving triage cases improves the overall performance of your system by reducing the primary storage consumption and cost because the system places such resolved triage cases in a secondary storage.

For more information, see Archiving resolved emails for an email bot (Pega Cloud Services).

Usability improvements in the Email Manager and Case Manager portals

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Pega Email Bot™ customer service representatives (CSRs) working in the Email Manager, Case Manager, or Case Worker portals can now quickly reply to one recipient or to all recipients. CSRs can also view the sentiment analysis of an email (positive, negative, or neutral) for each received email, displaying the sentiment pattern for the entire email thread in a triage case. The email bot improvements add value for CSRs working in the portals and help them save time when responding to user requests.

For more information, see Understanding the email triage process and Replying to customers by email for an email bot.

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