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@java and locatable pages no longer supported

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

@java and locatable pages are no longer supported. Existing rules that use @java and locatable pages will continue to work; however, changes to these rules cannot be saved unless @java and locatable pages are replaced by supported functionality. Use a rule utility function (RUF) instead of an @java page, and use a data page instead of a locatable page. In addition, Pega Platform™ displays a guardrail warning when you open a rule that uses an @java page or a locatable page.

Relevant records management shows more information

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Relevant records for a class now include more information that you can use to manage the records for your application development. As a result of these enhancements, you can:

  • View inherited and inactive relevant records for the specified class.
  • Mark specific records as active or inactive for the specified class.
  • Mark specific records as relevant on the rule form.

You can use these new details to filter the list of relevant records for a class on the Relevant Records tab of the selected class. For more information, see Managing relevant records and Marking records as relevant records.

Role-based workspaces improve productivity

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now use workspaces to access role-based tools and features. By focusing on the tasks that align with your expertise, you can develop and manage your application more quickly.

For more information about the different types of workspaces, see Workspaces.

Feature management added to App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now create and manage features in App Studio. Because this functionality is no longer restricted to Dev Studio, you can encourage all team members to adopt feature-driven development, which improves the traceability from your requirements to their respective implementations.

For more information, see Feature-driven development.

Application overview added to App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

High-level information about an application, such as the available channel interfaces, case types, and data types, is now available in App Studio. By monitoring your project from a holistic point of view, you can make informed decisions about how and where you want to allocate your development resources.

For more information, see Application overview.

Translation support added to application guides

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now localize the content in your application guides. By referencing paragraphs instead of rich text in your chapters and tasks, you can provide guidance to users in their native language.

For more information about application guides, see Creating a guide for end users.

Add subspaces within spaces

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

You can now create subspaces within spaces. By adding a subspace, you can collaborate on a subtopic that is related to the topic of the parent space. For example, you can create an Annual Day subspace within the Events space.

For more information, see Creating a subspace.

Improvements to email case triaging

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

Improvements to Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Email make the system more robust and user friendly. When you reply to emails in a triage case, you can forward the email, reply to all, and use the carbon copy (cc) and blind carbon copy (bcc) fields. You can also send Pulse messages to discuss an email case without exposing the information to external users. You are notified in the Email Manager and Case Manager portal if you receive Pulse messages. Even when an email case has been resolved and appears as read-only, you can still send Pulse messages.

For more information, see Email Manager portal and Email triage.

Improve clipboard performance for Service REST

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

Improve clipboard performance in Service REST processing by using the new Lightweight clipboard mode option. This mode does not support all clipboard features.

For a list of supported and unsupported features, see Service REST form - Completing the Service tab.

Improvements to the Email channel configuration and content analysis

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

To make the Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Email more useful and easier to manage, you can track all the Email channel configuration changes that you or other operators make. The system now also detects defined entities and topics, not only in the contents of the email messages and its attached files, but also in the email subject field which improves the responsiveness of IVA to emails. You can map same text that appears in an email triage case to different entities. In previous versions of Pega Platform, only the email body was analyzed but with subject analysis, now the entire email is analyzed for topics and entities, including its salutation and signature.

For more information, see Tracking configuration changes in the Email channel and Enabling the analysis of subject field content during email triage.

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