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Support for extracting data from file attachments during email triage

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

With the Pega® Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Email, when you triage email interaction cases, the system can now use defined text analyzers to detect entities in files that are attached to the received email. The following file types are supported: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF, RTF, and TXT. This feature improves the machine learning and case processing capability for the Email user channel.

For more information, see Enabling the analysis of attached files during email triage.

Support for mobile mashup demo app in the Mashup channel configuration

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

When you configure the Mashup channel interface in Pega® Platform, you can now also test your cases in a mashup demo app. By testing, you can improve customer self-service because you can immediately visualize how your cases are extended into a native mobile app. During configuration, you must download the Pega Mashup Preview mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and scan the QR code by using the app.

For more information, see Configuring the Mashup channel.

Menu enhancements in the Facebook and WebChat user conversational channels

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

When you create a Facebook or WebChat channel interface to act as a Pega® Intelligent Virtual Assistant, you can use a Facebook-like generic template to display a rich user interface menu. You must use a data transform for the custom response to display this menu. You can use and modify the pyPopulateOutboundData data transform for this purpose.

For more information, see Adding custom responses for the Facebook channel and Adding custom responses for the WebChat channel.

Quicker approach for reusing processes in a stage

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

You can now reuse processes more quickly in a stage when you define the life cycle for a case type. Reusing processes saves time and makes it easier to define processes for a stage instead of creating new ones. You can also reuse processes faster when you add parallel processes to a stage.

For more information, see Quick access for reusing processes in a stage.

Improved user management for new applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

You can now invite users to join your team when you run the New Application wizard. By managing user credentials and roles during application setup, you can start development immediately.

For more information, see Creating an application.

New application document types capture features and user stories

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Pega® Platform adds two new application document types based on features and stories:

  • Use product overview documents to socialize the application development plan and progress.
  • Use gap analysis documents to identify the gaps between the application and your needs to clarify which customizations to build.

For more information, see Real-time agile application document types.

Security fields in JFrog Artifactory repository rule form removed

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The fields in the Security section of the JFrog Artifactory repository rule form, including the Secure protocol field, the Truststore field, and the Keystore field, were not functional in Pega Platform™ 7.3, 7.3.1, and 7.4. This section has been removed from the JFrog Artifactory repository rule form in Pega Platform 8.1.

Deployment Manager on Pega Cloud Services

Valid from Pega Version Pega Cloud

Pega Cloud Services introduces Deployment Manager support, a service that is automatically installed and configured in Pega Cloud environments running Pega Platform 7.4 and higher. Deployment Manager on Pega Cloud allows you to manage the deployment of your Pega Cloud applications through staging to production environments. For details see Deployment Manager 03.01.01.

DCO Compatibility tool is deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The DCO Compatibility tool has been deprecated. Use the Application Guardrails landing page to see the compliance score and any warnings for your application.

For more information, see Application Guardrails landing page.

Identify team members working on a rule

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

By using the team collaboration widget, you can see who on your development team is working on the rule that you are viewing. This widget is displayed in the section header when you are using the Case Designer, Data Designer, or Channels and interfaces configuration pages. When you update a page, a notification is sent to other collaborators stating that the content has been updated and prompting them to refresh to see the latest content.

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