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Kafka data set enhancements

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

The Kafka data set is a high-throughput and low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds that you can use as input for Pega Platform event strategies.

For better integration of Pega Platform with externally hosted Kafka, the following enhancements are implemented:

  • Support for Kafka message keys and headers - extended values data format (JSON Data Transform, Apache Avro)
  • Custom value processing
  • Configuring topic names by using Application Properties
  • Data-Admin-Kafka enhancements - supporting a wide range of connection properties

For more information, see Improve your Kafka data set with new enhancements.

External data flow rules are removed

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

In previous versions of Pega Platform™, you could configure data flows to run in an external Hadoop environment. The external data flows functionality was deprecated and hidden from view in Pega Platform 8.5. The functionality has been now removed and is no longer available in Pega Platform 8.6.

For more information, see External data flow rules are deprecated.

Naming pattern changed for file data sets

Valid from Pega Version 8.6.3

File data sets are used to import from and export data to a file repository. In case of data export, prior to version 8.6.3, the first file exported had the same file name that was provided by the user in the data set, and any subsequent file exported to the repository had a unique identifier appended to it. Starting in Pega Platform version 8.6.3, each file has a unique identifier, automatically generated based on the data flow node, thread ID, and timestamp.

Upgrade impact

If your process to consume output files expects files with a specific name, it may not be able to process the resulting files correctly.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you have configured the process before updating to Pega Platform version 8.6.3, but the exported files are no longer recognized by downstream processing logic after the upgrade, ensure that the downstream tool is configured to recognize the files by a pattern rather than the full name. For example, when referring to files exported to the repository, use the * character to indicate a pattern instead of using the full file name. For example, use Export*.csv to refer to the files.

Facebook and YouTube data sets are deprecated

Pega Platform™ no longer supports the data set types in the Social category:

  • Facebook data sets
  • YouTube data sets

These features are deprecated and will be removed in future Pega Platform versions. Do not create any data sets using the Facebook or YouTube types.

Decision Management

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.4

This release contains a number of fixes that improve the configuration and execution of Batch decisions – specifically, a number of usability improvements and addresses some issues when creating strategies on IE8.  

  • Batch Decision functionality has been enhanced in the NBAM environment.
  • In NBAM, users can run the strategy execution batch based on the Seed list class instead of the customer class. 
  • Interaction data will now work even if Action or Organization  dimensions do not have values set.
  • Running a strategy which includes a Data Import of a structured page reference will work in batch mode.
  • Security was enhanced on the VBD Planner.
  • The Access of Role to Object rules have been enhanced to allow users to create new Dimension Operator records.
  • The NBAM Segment On Canvas will now fetch the SegMap data, even when the generated extended segment class has not been added to the Pages and Classes of the strategy.  The SegMap property will (if it exists) be added to a list of properties to fetch, even if the strategy indicates that it is not used.
  • When a strategy is defined on a customer class, users may now specify the list of required properties to fetch for the input definition.
  • When creating a new strategy, there is now a section to add a Strategy Results class like Business Issue or Group.

Decision Strategy Manager

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.3

Fixes were made that improve the configuration and execution of Batch Decisions. In particular,  the capability to use Structured Data has been enhanced. Some notable improvements have also been made to the UI of Visual Business Director.

  • The structured data input configuration will now work even though there is no data.
  • VBD has been enhanced to work with Version 7.1.
  • The structured data input configuration will now work with nested structures.
  • Association rules from Version 6.3 will now work with 7.1 structured data.

Flexible inputs in strategies

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

Decision parameters allow business users to influence the decision through flexible inputs that do not require changing strategies. System architects use extension points to configure the data model and user interface supporting decision parameters. Decision parameters are used in strategies, and changes to the values of decision parameters become immediately available without requiring any changes to the strategy.

The rule pxRunDecisionParameters supports the use of decision parameters through activities.

Enable business users to own parts of an enterprise application

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

Decision Manager functionality allows business users to own parts of an enterprise application within the boundaries defined by IT. PegaDM includes the Pega-DecisionManager ruleset that supports this functionality.

System architects define the boundaries for business users in the Decision Manager portal using revision management and proposition authorization facilities in Designer Studio. Access control is provided through custom roles, which system architects can create based on granular privileges. The Decision Manager portal provides business users with a controlled environment for the workflow, and the activities necessary to address the objectives of a revision.

Predefined inputs when designing and testing strategies

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

External input settings allow for propagating results to other strategies, providing strategy designers with a mechanism to reuse strategies and test strategies with predefined inputs.

Design segmentation trees in strategies

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.6

You can include the traditional segmentation tree pattern in your strategies using the following features:

  • Exclusion components to conditionally stop the propagation of decision results.
  • Split components to branch the decision results according to the percentage of cases covered by the result.
  • The Otherwise label for component connections where one of the outgoing connections has a defined label.

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