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Changes in JSON results when checking the health of your system

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

Beginning with Pega Platform™ 8.2, the JSON results that are returned when you ping a Pega Platform instance have changed. JSON results now include node type and health information, including test name, status, state, and node ID. The following samples show JSON results from versions before 8.2 and as of 8.2.

JSON results for pre-Pega Platform 8.2:

{ "duration":"3954.448601", "count":"0" }

JSON results for Pega Platform 8.2 and later:


Token credentials authentication service

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

You can create a new type of authentication service for token credentials authentication, which is useful for offline mobile applications. With token credentials authentication, users need to enter their credentials only once in a session. Subsequent access to the server is authenticated with a token. The token can be generated by the Pega Platform™ authorization layer (OAuth 2.0) or issued by an external identity provider.

For more information, see Configuring a token credentials authentication service.

Platform truststore for validating certificates

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Pega Platform™ now includes a platform truststore, to which you can import X.509 certificates that are common across platform applications. When a certificate needs to be validated, Pega Platform looks for the certificate at the connector level, then in the platform truststore, and finally in the application server (JVM) truststore. You can add, update, and delete certificates in the platform truststore without having to restart the server, which is useful when TLS certificates are changed for reasons such as key rotation.

For more information, see Importing an X.509 certificate.

Improved performance for work ID generation

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Work IDs are now generated in batches and managed with dynamic system settings. Batch-based ID generation improves performance and scalability, which reduces the time that it takes to migrate data to a Pega Platform™ application.

For more information, see Default dynamic system settings data instances.

Upgrade impact

In a multi-node environment, the new ID generation method can assign IDs that are not as sequential as in the previous method.

For example, in a 2-node cluster, the IDs could come in from each node in batches of 1000, resulting in successive Work objects having IDs that differ by 1000 (such as 1, 1001, 2,1002, 3, 1003). As more Work objects are created the gaps can get filled. However, there might still be gaps left in the generated IDs.  For example, if a node crashes or shuts down, some IDs would be missing, or if a node has given out 600 IDs from a batch of 1000 IDs, then 400 IDs would remain unused. In most situations, this should not be an issue. 

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you must have nearly sequential IDs or cannot accept gaps in IDs (and do not need the performance improvement), then you can change the dynamic system setting to disable the new ID generation method. 

The dynamic system setting for this feature is idGenerator/defaultBatchSize. The feature is enabled by default with a defaultBatchSize of 1000. To disable the feature, set the value to 1.

Improved control of case locking and retry mechanisms

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Delay factor, Initial delay in minutes, and Max retry attempts fields have been added to queue processors, and the Timeout to acquire lock field has been added to the Queue-For-Processing method. Using these fields, you can quickly configure background processes that require you to lock cases or retry case processing.

For more information, see Creating a Queue Processor rule.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the new fields contain their default values.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

To customize the functionality of this feature (and the new fields), open the Queue-For-Processing definition and modify the values for the new properties or fields.

Automatic management of run-time context for background processing

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Management of system run-time context is now automatic. You no longer need to manually modify the AsyncProcessor requestor type context to make a queue processor or job scheduler work after importing or upgrading an application. Additionally, you do not need to manually modify the AsyncProcessor requestor type context to make new queue processors and job schedulers work.

For more information, see System general landing page and Automating the runtime context management of background processes.

Upgrade impact

After upgrade, you manage the runtime context of your background processing in System Runtime Context instead of in the deprecated AsyncProcessor requestor type.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Select the Include in background processing option in the Advanced section of the application rule form for all applications that use background processing (such as Job Schedulers and Queue Processing). When this option is enabled, the system automatically includes the rulesets (for the application and its components) in System Runtime Context used for resolving and running Queue Processors and Job Schedulers. Also, when the option is enabled, the application is placed on the System Runtime Context list during application rule saves (such as during application import and migration).

Support for additional key management services

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

By supporting additional key management services, Pega Platform™ offers you increased flexibility when defining keys that are used for encryption of application and internal system data. You can now create keystores that reference keys from key management services such as Microsoft Azure Key Vault, HashiCorp Vault, and Google Cloud KMS, in addition to Amazon KMS. You can also create a keystore that references other key management services through the use of a data page.

For more information, see Configuring a Microsoft Azure Key Vault keystore, Configuring a HashiCorp Vault keystore, and Configuring a Google Cloud KMS keystore.

Define a default reporting database

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

You can now easily define a reporting database for all classes that are assigned to a primary database. You can also assign this reporting database as the default reporting database. This provides support for reporting against Amazon Aurora read replicas. AWS Aurora increases the performance and stability of your database management system.

For more information about reporting, see Report Definition data access tab.

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