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View data type relationships in Data Designer

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now access a visual depiction of the relationships among data types from the Data Designer in App Studio. By understanding how data types depend on properties and other data types, you can extend your data model more quickly.

For more information, see Viewing data relationships.

Import only new instances of specific classes

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

To bypass updates for specific classes and only import new instances of those types, edit the product rule definition.  For more information, see Specifying product rule deployment options.

New landing page allows you to customize the presentation of quality metrics

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

From the new Application: Quality Settings landing page, you can specify which built-in apps to include for testing. You can also modify the date range for graphs on the Application Quality, Application: Test coverage, and Application: Unit testing landing pages. Additionally, you can specify how many days the tests are considered current to be included on the Application Quality dashboard and in reports. By configuring how quality metrics are displayed, you can customize data presentation according to your needs, which can help improve the quality of your application.

For more information, see Application: Quality Settings landing page.

Manage and visualize application data with the Integration Designer

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Use the Integration Designer to manage data at the application level and to access a comprehensive view of all data objects in your application with their associated data. Additionally, from the Integration Designer, you can create data objects and map them to other objects and to systems of record.

For more information, see Managing application data with the Integration Designer.

Create and map data types in Integration Designer

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Use the data type wizard in the Integration Designer to create data types and map them to systems of record. The data type wizard reduces complexity when creating and mapping data objects, resulting in reduced development time and a simpler workflow.

For more information, see Mapping fields.

Create configurable node types with purpose-specific names

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

To meet your specific business needs, you can now configure your own node types that you can segregate by purpose, and also define their behavior. Pega Platform™ supports node types that you can associate with multiple resources, like agents or job schedulers. For ease of use, apply meaningful names to your node types.

For more information, see Node classification, Creating configurable node types.

New roles required for system management features and APIs after upgrade

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The pzSystemOperationsObserver and pzSystemOperationsAdministator privileges are no longer used for accessing system management features in Admin Studio and for system management APIs. Pega Platform™ has new privileges for individual system management functions and new roles configured with these privileges. Use the following roles to access system management features and APIs:

  • PegaRULES:SysOpsAdministrator – has all administrator and observer privileges
  • PegaRULES:SysOpsObserver – has all observer privileges
  • PegaRULES:SysAdm4 – has all administrator and observer privileges

After upgrading, you can include one or more of these roles in your access group or create a custom role. For more information about access roles, see Access roles.

Enabling access to upgraded help

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

After upgrading to Pega Platform ™ 8.1, the default URL to the upgraded help files might be incorrect. To enable access to the latest help files, reset the URL:

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > System > Settings > URLs.
  2. Enter the Online Help URL:
  3. Click Save.
  4. Log out and log back into Pega Platform.
Note: If client browsers on your network are restricted from Internet access for security reasons, you can also follow these steps to set the Online Help URL to a location on your local host.

For Microsoft SQL Server deployments, change settings to create data types in Integration Designer

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

For on-premises deployments that use Microsoft SQL Server, set the Pega-Reporting/reporting/useMergeHintForRRquery dynamic system setting to true. If you do not configure this setting, you might not be able to create a new data type in Integration Designer that uses Pega as the system of record. Configure the setting as follows:

  • Owning ruleset: Pega-Reporting
  • Setting purpose: reporting/useMergeHintForRRquery
  • Value: true

For more information about configuring dynamic system settings, see Creating a dynamic system setting.

PATCH support for REST integrations

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

REST connectors and REST services now include support for integrating with REST APIs that require using the PATCH method. REST integrations that support the PATCH method allow you to make partial updates to individual resources while retaining data that does not require an update. With PATCH support, you no longer need to write complex custom code to integrate with services that require using the PATCH method.

For more information about REST integrations, see Connect REST form - Completing the Methods tab.

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