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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Flexbox support for all default layouts

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

To improve scalability, Pega Platform supports flexbox-based layouts by default in all its screen and column layouts and layout groups. You can convert existing layouts to flexbox-based layouts by selecting the Optimized code option on the Presentation tab of the layout.

For more information, see Screen Layout Properties.

Portals can refresh a single page in a dynamic container

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can use a single-document dynamic container in a portal that allows you to refresh a single page in the container without reloading the entire portal, which improves performance and security. From the Properties panel, you can configure an existing dynamic container for this purpose by setting the mode to Single Document and selecting Render as a single page.

For more information, see Dynamic container settings.

Multistatus case dependencies replace custom implementations

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now quickly define a case dependency that supports variations of a resolved status, such as Resolved-Completed and Resolved-Rejected. Because the definition of a resolved case now includes all status values that start with the word “Resolved,” you can replace custom logic in your application with a Wait shape that you configure in a flow.

For more information about defining a case dependency, see:

Tab groups are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega 7.3, tab groups have been replaced with layout groups, which offer better performance and flexibility. Tab groups are based on the Yahoo User Interface (YUI) library, which is no longer supported on the Pega 7 Platform.

User interface rule forms now use layout groups instead of tab groups to place layouts in forms.

For more information, see Adding a Layout Group.

Layout groups support icons and titles in headers

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now include icons or cells to enhance the design of layout group headers. On the properties panel, select Include icon with title under Container settings to add icons and titles in the layout headers. Also, the layout group control can now refresh the content of a dynamic layout if the layout is active.

For more information, see Adding a Layout Group.

Add custom controls to section palettes

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can add custom controls to the Basic or Advanced palettes in sections. With this enhancement, Pega® Platform developers have easy access to custom controls. The Show in authoring menus check box is available in the HTML tab of the custom control rule. You can add a custom icon to display in the menu with the custom control.

For more information see Adding custom controls to the section palette in Designer Studio.

Cases no longer locked when followed

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Work party properties of the type follower are no longer associated with the cases that you follow. Cases are no longer locked when you follow them, so now all users can follow a case. If you upgrade to Pega 7.3, you can run a utility to upgrade the cases that you are following so that they are no longer locked when they are followed.​

For more information, see Upgrading cases and followers.

Create email correspondence by using templates

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can configure email correspondence rules by using email templates. Email templates provide custom email formats for users and give developers a greater degree of customization in designing email correspondence. Select an email template on the Corr tab of a correspondence rule by clicking Edit mode and selecting Templated email from the menu. You can also create a section as an email template by clicking Email template on the Settings tab of the section form. For more information see Creating email correspondence by using a template.

Send event notifications in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can configure applications to notify users of case changes or other significant events that occur in an application. Use notifications to engage application users by providing key updates that might be of interest to them.

You can deliver notifications over the default web gadget and email channels or use a custom channel that you created. You can configure multiple web gadgets to display different kinds of notifications. The email channel supports notification frequency of instant, daily, or weekly.

Application users can set their own notification preferences in the run-time portals or override the set preferences for a specific case type instance.

For more information, see Sending event notifications and Management of user notification preferences.

Actions available for custom controls

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

All standard actions that are available for autogenerated controls are available on non-autogenerated custom controls as well. You can configure actions on custom controls by using the legacy actions options or the standard options that are available to custom and autogenerated controls. By using the standard options, developers can now configure multiple action sets for different types of events on a single custom control.

For more information, see Actions tab.

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