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Visual Business Director data is automatically cleaned after a retention period expires

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

To avoid negative impact on system resources, such as memory and disk space, Pega Platform™ automatically cleans out collections data accumulated in Visual Business Director after the time period specified in the vbd/dataRetentionTimeout dynamic system setting.

Upgrade impact

In versions of Pega Platform earlier than 8.5, collections data was not automatically removed. From version 8.5, the data is removed after 465 days (15 months) by default.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If the default data retention period does not meet your requirements, you can change it by editing the vbd/dataRetentionTimeout setting.

For more information, see "Configuring the data retention period for Visual Business Director" in the Pega Customer Decision Hub 8.5 Upgrade Guide on the Pega Customer Decision Hub product page.

Optimization check utility available for legacy strategies

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Ensure that your strategies are compatible with the optimized strategy execution engine introduced in Pega Platform™ 8.1 by running a post-upgrade utility that checks strategies within your application for areas that you can optimize, for example, by reducing the number of page properties that are copied from one shape to another. Running the utility produces a report that you can use to plan the required updates to your strategies.

For more information, see Make your strategies compatible with the optimized strategy execution engine by using a check utility.

Uploading customer responses into adaptive models is no longer available

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The option to train adaptive models by uploading a static list of historical interaction records has been deprecated in Pega Platform™ 8.5.

Upgrade impact

In versions of Pega Platform earlier than 8.5, it was possible to train an adaptive model by uploading historical data of customer interaction. After the upgrade to version 8.5, this option is no longer available.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Use data from a report definition to train adaptive models. For more information, see Training adaptive models.

More flexibility for Date Time predictors in adaptive models

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

You can configure adaptive model predictors that indicate the amount of time that has elapsed since a particular event. In versions of Pega Platform™ earlier than 8.5, you could only specify the absolute date and time, for example, the date when a subscriber last visited one of your brick-and-mortar store locations. In Pega Platform 8.5, you can also indicate the amount of time that has passed, for example, the number of days since a subscriber purchased a new service plan.

For more information, see Adding a predictor to an adaptive model.

PegaWAI ruleset deprecated in 8.5

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Accessibility functions that were contained in the PegaWAI ruleset are now integrated into the main Pega Platform™. Consequently, the user interface in your applications now features accessibility functions out of the box, so you no longer need to use the PegaWAI ruleset to ensure accessible behavior in your application.

For more information, see Building an accessible UI.

Tags disappear from Rich Text Editor source mode

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

When you use Rich Text Editor in HTML source mode, some tags disappear from the markup, which causes backward compatibility issues and data loss.


Pega Platform™ version 8.5.5 introduced the DOM Purifier security plugin. The plugin removes potentially vulnerable tags, including custom tags, from the raw HTML code in the Rich Text Editor source mode.


You can disable the DOM Purifier plugin by adding the the window.disableDomPurifier = true markup to the userWorkForm HTML fragment rule.

Alternatively, as of Pega Platform version 8.5.6, you can add a tag to the allow list by including the window.rteCustomAllowedTags = ['myCustomTag'] snippet in the userWorkForm HTML fragment rule. 

In Pega Platform versions 8.5.6 to 8.6, the iframe tag is added to the allow list by default.

Decision Strategy Manager

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.3

Fixes were made that improve the configuration and execution of Batch Decisions. In particular,  the capability to use Structured Data has been enhanced. Some notable improvements have also been made to the UI of Visual Business Director.

  • The structured data input configuration will now work even though there is no data.
  • VBD has been enhanced to work with Version 7.1.
  • The structured data input configuration will now work with nested structures.
  • Association rules from Version 6.3 will now work with 7.1 structured data.

User Interface

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.3

Issues for cross-browser support for Designer Studio have been addressed. Improvements were made in run-time performance for data pages with grids, and a number of cosmetic changes and fixes were made.

  • Improved loading of Javascript files during saving Harness rules.
  • Login Performance improvements
  • A cursor pointer issue was addressed in Case Manager.
  • In reports, data in columns will now right-align.
  • Improved section validation functionality
  • Harnesses with screen layouts will now save when there is a refresh condition on a panel.
  • Outline View tree has been improved.
  • Improvements to Repeat Grids using Data Pages as a source.
  • Formatted text cells can be put into a grid to display the value of a property retrieved from a Report Definition join.
  • Designer Studio changes to support IE9 and IE10.
  • Improved designer studio layout
  • Designer Studio changes to support quirks mode in IE8 and IE9.
  • Improvements to SmartLabels in Data Pages
  • Tab groups will take parameters for pre-activities in a defer load setup.
  • Sections support nested dynamic layouts.

Internet Explorer 11 support

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.5

7.1.5 now provides support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). For those customers interested in information about IE11 support in previous releases, refer to the Platform Support Guide.

Automatically remove all inline styles

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.5

To ensure reusability and ease of maintenance, you can remove inline styles from all sections in all unlocked ruleset versions in your application from the HTML Application Readiness landing page. In the Sections Using Inline Styles section, click the Remove inline styles from all sections button.


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