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Additional multistep forms in Cosmos UI

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The Cosmos design system now supports horizontal, vertical, and standard multistep forms. Multistep forms help you break a single assignment that captures many fields into multiple focused and concise screens. By providing a greater variety of formatting options, this enhancement gives developers more flexibility in UI design.

For more information, see Adding a multistep form to a stage.

Updated preview panel in Cosmos UI

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The updated Cosmos design system now provides users with the tools to run common actions in the preview panel, without the need to open the case. In addition, you can now modify the preview panel in App Studio to adjust the buttons and tabs in the header. This enhancement creates a better user experience and accelerates case processing by reducing context switching.

For more information, see Adding tabs to the case details section

Improved case auditing in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

In Cosmos UI, App Studio now supports expandable case steps. This enhancement helps users quickly navigate a case and provides deeper insight into the case flow. In addition, Cosmos UI also introduces an improved history view that helps you better meet your business auditing requirements.

For more information, see Managing Cosmos UI settings in case designer.

Upgrade impact

After an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.5 or later, the history and chevron designs change automatically. However, applications with custom history settings might still display the styling that you defined in the override.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If your application uses custom settings and you want to use the updated history, remove the overrides from the pyWorkCommonActions rule.

Automated project estimation in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

App Studio now supports estimating projects in an intuitive and automated way, so that you can plan your work with greater efficiency and accuracy. Estimations include the number of hours that you will need to deliver an application, based on multiple factors such as the delivery methodology, the number and complexity of features to implement, and the number of teams involved. After you provide the required data, the project estimator calculates the expected duration of application development. To share your project estimates outside Pega Platform™, for example with your stakeholders, you can also export estimates to an .xlsx file.

For more information, see Estimate projects automatically in App Studio (8.5), Estimating application development.

Enhanced application inventory to support features

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Now the application inventory in App Studio also includes features that represent elements of your application to implement, such as language packs, along with personas and data objects. The inventory provides the option to add new features or reuse existing features from built-on applications. With the enhanced inventory, application development planning and tracking is faster and more intuitive because you can now easily check the features that your development team needs to implement. For greater clarity, the inventory supports different methods of grouping features, for example, by release or complexity.     

For more information, see Managing application inventory.

Automatic separation of date input

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Date fields in Date Time controls now automatically divide strings of input into days, months, and years. In single fields, the system adds slashes (/) as the user types the value. For example, an input string of 10102020 becomes 10/10/2020. In separate day/month/year fields, the system automatically switches from one field to the next as the user types the value. This enhancement improves the user experience by helping to users provide input in a more convenient and time-efficient manner.

For more information, see Configuring a Date Time control.

Spell-check support for multiple locales

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The spell checker in rich text editors now supports selection of the language of input. In previous releases, the locale of the user determined the language that the spell checker supported. In this release, you can change the default language support by adding locales to the appropriate decision table. This enhancement increases versatility and convenience for users by ensuring grammatical correctness for the language of their choice without the need for external tools.

For more information, see Extending the spell checker to other languages.

Enhanced Case Designer in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

For greater clarity when visualizing your business processes, App Studio now has an improved Case Designer. In Pega Platform™ 8.5, every persona displays a list of associated channels, and every data object lists associated systems, instead of showing multiple entities for different channels or systems. Additionally, for better distinction every channel and system displays a unique icon. To fully convey your business process using just one screen, Case Designer now also supports visualizing attachments required for your microjourney, as well as creating draft associations between personas and channels.

For more information, see Plan your Microjourneys more conveniently in an improved Case Designer (8.5), Creating a Microjourney for customer success.

Enhanced optimized tables

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Optimized tables now come with a greater range of options, such as support for sorting and filtering cell content in embedded sections. The new options also include passing parameter values from a data page to a table instead of manually entering the values for each of the parameters. For example, you can mark an organization name as a parameter to pass into a table. The new enhancements facilitate the transition to the more efficient optimized tables, and save time and effort.

For more information, see Optimizing table code.

Improved support for working with cases in multiple browser tabs

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

The Cosmos design system now provides enhanced support for opening and working on cases in multiple browser tabs. Cases that users open in new browser tabs are processed independently and include the portal’s main navigation bar, which allows users to conveniently browse other pages on any tab.

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