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Published Release Notes

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Offline mobility improvements

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Several offline mobility improvements have been made in this release. Additional use cases have been added for configuring offline-enabled mobile apps at design time. Read-only grids with limited features are now supported offline. You can configure auto-populated properties, and you can create work with parameters. It is also possible to open work by handle. You can use decision shapes with Boolean expressions (no when rules) in screen flows. Barcode scanning is now available in offline mode.

Mobile user interface updates

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Several improvements have been made to the mobile-related user interface of the Pega 7 Platform. The content of the Mobile tab on the Application rule form has been redesigned. The Offline Configuration and Mobile Certificates landing pages are now available. The Signature Capture control has improved. Post-processing can now occur after the signature has been captured. You can auto-submit with the form submit. You can apply the signature to a page instead of applying it as an attachment to the case. The clear action completely removes the signature from the work object, keeping only the latest iteration of the signature. Touch interactions have been significantly improved. Response time is faster and there is better feedback on the touch action.

Skins can inherit formats from a parent

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Skin inheritance allows a dependent skin to inherit formats and mixins from a parent skin. This feature provides a modular organization of styles, reducing the cost of maintaining skins. You can create a specific mobile skin to include mobile-specific styles and disable unused styles to decrease the size of the CSS. Inherited formats are displayed on the Inheritance tab of the skin. Formats that are specific to the skin are displayed on the My formats tab.

For more information, see Skin inheritance.

Paginated lists in repeating dynamic layouts

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Repeating dynamic layouts can now display paginated lists. Pagination reduces the cost of loading the entire list onto the browser. You configure pagination on the General tab of the layout properties.

For more information, see Dynamic Layout Properties - General tab.

Heading level support

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can configure heading levels for containers that support headings. Headings facilitate accessibility by making the UI understandable to assistive technologies. You can edit headings in the Base settings tab of the skin.

For more information, see Base settings.

Push notification delivery to multiple devices

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

Push notifications sent from the Pega 7 Platform are now delivered to all devices on which a user is logged in to your custom mobile app, regardless of the device platform. You can either send push notifications from the Push Console to all users who have your application installed on their devices, or configure your application to send push notifications to indicate that an action might be required, a status update is available, or a case was approved.

Support for subflows and decision flow results in offline mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

Subflows in offline-enabled mobile apps are now supported to perform additional tasks outside of the main flow. The subflow can run only on the current work item, with the subflow displaying in the main flow, in a nested subflow, or located next to an assignment. No likelihood routing is supported for subflows. It is also possible to set a flow result by using the pega.process.flow.setFlowEndStatus() JavaScript method to override the status set by a property in the subflow's end shape. The process engine also takes into account the likelihood setting if the flow result is conflicting or absent, provided the flow result is not in a subflow.

For more information, see Flow processing in offline mode.

Support for error handling API in offline mobile apps

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

During the processing of cases in offline-enabled mobile apps, you can use several JavaScript API methods to perform error handling. You can now determine whether an error condition results from the post-processing of a flow or a subflow. You can also set, clear, or obtain the number of error messages on a property or a page while working in offline mode, similar to when you are running a Pega 7 Platform desktop application. When you run a custom mobile app in offline mode, you can submit a form, but you cannot move the flow forward until all the errors on a page and in the page's properties are resolved.

For more information, see Error handling in offline mode and Error handling API in offline mode.

Application administrators can send push notifications

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

From the Push Console application, administrators can send push notifications to custom mobile app users. Notifications sent from the Push Console can contain application-wide messages, for example, when an update is available for manual download.

For more information, see Push Console landing page.

Device preview includes a configurable list of common mobile devices

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

Pega Express device preview displays your application in a simulated mobile device. By previewing your application, you can view the user experience on a desktop, tablet, or phone. You can select from a list of common devices or add devices to the list by editing Pega-DevicePreview-Device.

For more information, see Previewing an application on a mobile device.

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