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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Virtual questions deprecated in 8.6

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Following the improvements in Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA), the creation of virtual questions is now deprecated and planned for removal. To avoid additional effort during updates to future releases, do not use deprecated features. For optimal application performance and efficient development of conversation processes, you now collect information from users by using the Ask a question smart shape.

For more information, see Adding a case type conversation process for a conversational channel and Asking a question in a case.

Send event notifications in Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can configure applications to notify users of case changes or other significant events that occur in an application. Use notifications to engage application users by providing key updates that might be of interest to them.

You can deliver notifications over the default web gadget and email channels or use a custom channel that you created. You can configure multiple web gadgets to display different kinds of notifications. The email channel supports notification frequency of instant, daily, or weekly.

Application users can set their own notification preferences in the run-time portals or override the set preferences for a specific case type instance.

For more information, see Sending event notifications and Management of user notification preferences.

Upgrading to Hazelcast 4.x requires downtime during upgrades to Pega Infinity 8.6

Valid from Pega Version 8.6

Pega Infinity™ uses Hazelcast distributed clustering technology to share data and send events between server nodes. Beginning in Pega Infinity release 8.6, Pega Infinity supports Hazelcast 4.x.
Note: Note: Because Hazelcast 3.x is in extended support, upgrade to Hazelcast 4.x before the extended support period for Hazelcast 3.x ends.

Upgrade impact statement

On-premises upgrades of Pega Infinity release 8.4.2 and later to version 8.5.1 or later on Tomcat and PostgreSQL are completed with near-zero downtime. However, upgrading to Hazelcast 4.x requires that you shut down and restart your application server.

What is required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Hazelcast 3.x is enabled by default. For near-zero downtime upgrades, you do not need to perform any action.

For instructions about upgrading to Hazelcast 4.x, see one of the following topics:

Pega Survey documentation refers to deprecated field

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The documentation for Pega® Survey refers to the Answer Layout field on the Complex Question form, but this field is no longer supported. For more information about the question layout formats that Pega Survey supports, see Pega Survey.

Survey rules are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Surveys that were created prior to version 7.4 of Pega Platform are now deprecated. As a best practice, recreate your survey by using the Survey Management landing page, and then reuse questions or question pages from your survey library.

For more information about creating surveys, see Improved survey authoring.

Deprecated survey APIs

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

APIs that were available in the PegaSurvey ruleset have been superseded by Pega® Platform APIs. Although older APIs continue to function in this release, it is recommended that you update your flows and flow actions to use the new APIs because they provide the latest survey capabilities, and deprecated features are not supported.

The following table maps deprecated APIs to their replacement APIs.

Deprecated APINew APIDescription
Work-.QuestionShapeWork-.pzQuestionShapeA flow that displays one simple question.
Work-.QuestionShapeScrWork-.pzQuestionShapeScrA screen flow that displays one simple question.

A flow that displays questions in a survey, which can be simple or complex.

You can control whether the questions are displayed on one or multiple screens.

A section that displays questions in a survey.

You can reference this section from a user action, such as a flow action or connector flow action, in a flow.

Locatable pages are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Locatable pages are deprecated. Use a data page instead. Data pages provide improved performance. When you save a rule that has a Locate Page Activity or when you create an activity of type Locate page, a guardrail warning is displayed indicating that this feature has been deprecated.

For information about data pages, see Data pages.

Pulse Extension points are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega® Platform 7.3, Pulse uses the notifications feature to send notifications. As a result, Pulse extension points for email body, subject, and recipient list have been deprecated. Preferences set for Pulse notifications in earlier versions are no longer valid.

Use the alternatives listed in the following table to configure your Pulse message and notification preferences.

Deprecated extension pointAlternative extension pointCorresponding notification rule
pyInstantPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyReplyPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionsPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionsInNonCaseContext (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyNewPulsePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseReplySubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionedUserSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerWithFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyGetListOfEmailReceivers (Activity)D_pxGetCaseFollowers (Data page)pyAddPulsePost

To continue using the deprecated extension points, override the pyInvokepxNotify when rule and set it to return false.

For more information, see Management of user notification preferences.

Search field type is deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.9

The search field type in Form Builder is deprecated. Use a data reference or user reference instead, both of which prompt users with an autocomplete field at run time.

For the full list of supported field types in Form Builder, see Supported display modes by field type.

Certain flow actions deprecated and replaced

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.7

To ensure compatibility with supported browsers and mobile devices and to enhance ease of design, the following flow actions are deprecated and replaced. As a best practice, use the replacement actions for new development. The deprecated rules are still supported and do not have to be updated.

TransferTransfer Assignment
AttachAFileAttach Content
pyAdjustSLAAdjust Assignment SLA

Update Case

For example, the new Transfer Assignment action supports the most common routing options such as operator, workbasket, and reporting manager. Advanced options allow users to escalate, set due dates, update status, and provide instructions.


Transform Assignment form

See Atlas - Standard Flow Actions (Local)​.

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