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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

The Declarative Network display is now cross-browser compatible

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

The Declarative Network display can now be displayed on all browsers.

Interact with cases from external applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now achieve API case integration by using the Integration case-wide property to generate code that allows you to interact with cases from external applications. The Generate create case microservice code option for microservice APIs automatically generates code that is specific to your case type. This option complements the Generate mashup code option, which generates code that you can use to embed Pega 7 Platform content in another application's web page.

Connect to external REST APIs by using OAuth 2.0

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now connect to external REST services that are provided by web applications, such as Twitter and Facebook, by using the OAuth 2.0 protocol client credentials grant. Your Pega 7 Platform application acts as an OAuth 2.0 client to access protected API resources. For example, you can connect to Twitter by using OAuth 2.0 to obtain a collection of tweets that match a specific query.

For more information, see Accessing protected API resources by using OAuth 2.0.

Access REST services and APIs by using OAuth 2.0

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now allow external client applications to access REST services on your behalf by using the OAuth 2.0 protocol client credentials grant. The Pega 7 Platform acts as an OAuth 2.0 provider to grant trusted applications access to functions in Pega 7 Platform applications. Additionally, you can provide access to the Pega API by using OAuth 2.0.

Label changes to field types in Case Designer

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

The following field types have been renamed in Case Designer to be consistent with Data Designer and other areas of the Pega 7 Platform.

Label in previous versionsLabel in Pega 7.2
TextText (single line)
Text (multiple lines)Text (paragraph)
Check boxBoolean
Date and timeDate & time
DateDate only
Drop downPicklist
Number (integer)Integer
Number (decimal)Decimal

Users who upgrade from versions prior to Pega 7.2 do not have to take any action because the label changes are cosmetic and do not affect the underlying controls or property types that support form building.

For more information about the field types that you can use when building a form, see Storage and display of single-value fields.

Data page unit test case setup and cleanup

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

You can now use one or more data pages, data transforms, or activities to set up a clipboard page with the appropriate properties before you run a data page unit test case. You can also use activities to create any required test data, such as work or data objects.

After you run a data page unit test case, the data pages that were used to set up the test environment are automatically removed. You can now also apply additional data transforms or activities to clean up the clipboard.

For more information, see Setup and cleanup of data page unit test cases.

New assertions for data page unit test cases

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

You can now configure the following assertions for data page unit test cases:

  • Result count assertions for page lists, page groups, value lists, and value groups
  • Unordered list and ordered list assertions for page lists

The Pega 7 Platform now supports these assertions in addition to expected run-time assertions for the data page and property assertions for any property type.

For more information, see Data page unit test case assertions.

New Pulse gadgets for developers

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Pulse for the Pega 7 Platform provides two new gadgets: pxContextFeed and pxActivityFeed.

The pxContextFeed gadget is a section that you can integrate with your application. Users can use this gadget to communicate with other users by creating and sharing posts within a given context. You can also customize the gadget or build your own Pulse interface by using a number of APIs.

The pxActivityFeed gadget aggregates all the activity feeds for the cases that a user follows without requiring that individual cases for posts be viewed.

For more information, see the help topic Pulse gadgets and custom APIs.

New Pulse gadget for users

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can use Pulse to communicate and collaborate with other users. For example, in Pulse you can post messages, share files, select cases for which you want to receive emails, search for content, and view an activity feed in your dashboard that aggregates your Pulse posts.

For more information, see Pulse for social collaboration.

New types of steps in a process

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can add assignments, subprocesses, and preconfigured steps to a process in Case Designer. By using these new step types, you can quickly enhance your case life cycle and identify opportunities for reuse. This change also delivers a more consistent experience to users who are working in Case Designer and Process Modeler.

For more information, see Steps in the life cycle of a case.

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