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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Page assertions are supported for PegaUnit test cases

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now create page assertions for PegaUnit test cases. Because data transforms and activities can create or remove pages, you can configure page assertions to determine whether a page exists after you run PegaUnit test cases.

For more information, see Configuring page assertions.

Authenticate REST data sources by using OAuth 2.0

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now authenticate the data sources that are created from your REST integration by configuring OAuth 2.0 authentication in the New REST Integration wizard. You can specify or create an OAuth 2.0 authentication profile in the wizard by using the client credentials or authorization code grant type.

For more information, see OAuth 2.0 in REST integration.

Pega Composite Gateway not required for Pega Web Mashup

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The Pega Composite Gateway servlet (prgateway.rar file) is no longer required for Pega Web Mashup gadgets. You can now use web mashups without deploying the Gateway. Support for the Gateway will continue, but it is a best practice not to use it for the Pega Web Mashup in Pega 7.2.1 and later versions.

Customized data imports

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now further customize the data import process in Data Designer by:

  • Setting a default import purpose and preventing the selection of an import purpose to speed up frequent imports of the same kind
  • Removing the import purposes that you do not need for your data type
  • Defining a default field mapping between the fields in the .csv file and the fields in your data type that act as a unique identifier (key), to save time during the import process
  • Skipping the import progress screen and showing progress contextually within your application
  • Including the link for data import anywhere in your application or calling it in the background from a service or agent

For more information, see Data import customization.

Enhanced data imports

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

The data import process in Data Designer has been enhanced to give you more options. You can now import case types, save and use templates for field mapping, add data without updating existing data, specify date and time formats, and reprocess erroneous records by downloading a .csv file that lists the errors in your data import. You can also adjust the data import wizard to the context where it is included.

For more information, see Data import enhancements

Pega File Listener process changes

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

Beginning with Pega 7.2.2, File Listener processes files in a different way:

  • File movement in directories – Previously, files were processed from the Work directory. In Pega 7.2.2, files are processed from the source location. Files move to the Work directory only if the initial processing fails and Recovery is disabled.
  • New file processing – Previously, File Listener would process all files in the source location, even if the files were added during the processing. In Pega 7.2.2, files added to the source location during processing are read the next time the File Listener starts.

For more information, see File Listener data instances.

Automatically process cases with Box

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now use Box to store attachments during automated case processing without requiring user input at run time for authentication or authorization with Box. The authentication profile must be OAuth 2.0 with a grant type of authorization code. You can view which apps are connected, connect apps, and disconnect apps on the Connected apps landing page.

For more information, see Connected apps landing page.

Single sign-on (SSO) support for Box

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now use SSO integration with Box so that users who have already been authenticated are not asked to reauthenticate when accessing Box from their Pega application. The Pega application and the Box application must use the same identity provider federation. This capability provides an integrated user experience and supports automated case processing of attachments.

For more information, see Authentication Profile data instances - Completing the OAuth 2.0 tab.

Send and receive queued messages securely with IBM MQ servers

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

You can now configure applications developed on the Pega 7 Platform for secure message queuing with IBM MQ servers by using the MQ server rule form. You secure the connection by specifying the cipher suites with encryption standards that meet your requirements and the SSL/TLS X.509 certificates that you use for authentication.

For more information, see Configure secure message queuing with IBM MQ servers.

Functionality of the pyInvokeRESTConnector rule and the pxDeferenceEndpoint rule moved to core engine

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.2

The functionality of the pyInvokeRESTConnector rule and the pxDeferenceEndpoint rule has been moved into the core engine code of the Pega 7 Platform. This change provides more consistent behavior, reduces maintenance, and reduces the risk of regression issues. As a result, you can no longer customize these rules, and upgrading the Pega 7 Platform requires special considerations if you previously customized these rules.

For more information, see Upgrading with customized pyInvokeRESTConnector and pxDeferenceEndpoint rules.

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