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Create pluggable web storage components for case and Pulse attachments

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now implement and post your own pluggable web storage components for use with case and Pulse attachments. These web components can be plugged in to Pega® Platform without the need to make changes to Pega Platform itself. The ability to create a pluggable web storage component is useful when you want to use a web storage provider that does not have an existing pluggable web storage component.

For more information, see Guidelines for creating pluggable components for storing and sourcing case and Pulse attachments.

Data Import wizard supports all Microsoft Excel default formats

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Data Import wizard for data types now supports all Microsoft Excel default date formats. Dates are easier to handle and you are alerted before data is imported if the date format is not supported.

For more information about supported date and time formats, see Date and time formats supported by the Data Import wizard for data types.

Fallback activity for Service REST and SOAP

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now configure a fallback response activity for a time-out for Service REST and SOAP. Using a fallback response activity makes it easier to meet a service-level agreement (SLA) by providing a logical response in a timely manner. For example, the fallback activity can display a default offer to an ATM customer instead of an offer that is based on that particular customer's data.

For details about configuring the fallback response activity, see Service REST form - Completing the Service tab and Service SOAP form - Completing the Service tab.

Record Editor and data import enhancements

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The Record Editor and Import wizard for data types have been enhanced to make the import process faster and easier to use. You can now perform the following tasks.

  • Configure the Record Editor to use full-text search, which makes searching faster.
  • Configure the location of the data import error file. For example, you can set the location to a shared location so that users can access the file from any node in a multinode system.
  • Pass the keys of the records that were added, updated, or matched directly to custom postprocessing without additional database I/O.
  • Search and filter records and export only the results instead of all records.
  • Stop an import that is in progress.

New Java API improves JSON serialization

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

By using a Java API, you can serialize a Page or Property clipboard object to a JSON string for faster JSON serialization. You can also create a map between API responses and an application's internal data model that improves integration performance and maintainability.

For more information, see Using the mapping API for high-performance JSON serialization and Using the mapping API for high-performance JSON deserialization.

Log file description in web.xml incorrect after upgrade to Apache Log4j 2

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

As a result of the upgrade from the Apache Log4j 1 logging service to the Apache Log4j 2 logging service, it is recommended that you update the log file description in the web.xml file from location of prlogging.xml file to location of prlog4j2.xml file. The description indicates which log file is in use. Updating the description avoids confusion about which log file is current. Change the description as shown in the following example.

<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_5">
<description>location of prlog4j2.xml file</description>

Apply logic to data import fields

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

When importing data from an external system, you can translate data fields into values that can be read by Pega® Platform. From the Import wizard, you can do the following actions:

  • Apply a decision tree or decision table to the data that is imported for a field.
  • Use imported data for a field to look up a value in another record. For example, you can look up the key of a record that uses an external identifier to populate a foreign key field.
  • Create templates that contain business logic, which eliminates the need to handle data transformations manually during preprocessing.

For more information, see Transforming data during import.

Ability to map JSON to clipboard properties by using a data transform

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now map the entire JSON file or individual properties to and from the clipboard by using a data transform. Using a data transform makes it faster and easier to connect your Pega® Platform to your system of record.

For more information, see Data transforms.

Data validation before importing

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

Data imported into a data type is now validated before it is imported. Validating data before importing it ensures that the data is valid and reduces the amount of time required to manually analyze and validate your data.

For more information about importing data into a data type, see Importing data for a data type.

Enable different REST service rules for distinct resource URIs

Valid from Pega Version 7.3.1

You can now specify different service REST rules for distinct resource URIs. This functionality provides different processing options, request handling, and response handling for each distinct resource URI. Additionally, it eliminates the need to develop and maintain complex logic to handle all possible resource URI paths.

For more information, see Distinct URI specification for service REST rules.

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