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More quality metrics on the Application Quality dashboard

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

On the Application Quality dashboard, for each case type you can now view quality metrics such as guardrail score, test coverage percentage, unit test pass rate, list of guardrail of warnings, uncovered rules, and failed Pega unit tests. These metrics are also available for rules that are used in the application but that are not a part of any case type. To access these metrics, on the Application Quality dashboard list of case types, click Find issues.

For more information, see Application Quality landing page.

Quality metrics now include charts with trends

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The Application Quality landing page now contains charts that show changes in metrics over time. Landing pages for Test coverage and Unit testing also contain interactive charts with user-defined date range filters. The default date range of the charts is 2 weeks, but you can change it by using the Application: Quality Settings landing page. The historical data provided by the charts shows changes in application quality metrics over time, so that you can recognize trends and identify potential problems with application quality.

For more information, see Application Quality landing page.

New landing page allows you to customize the presentation of quality metrics

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

From the new Application: Quality Settings landing page, you can specify which built-in apps to include for testing. You can also modify the date range for graphs on the Application Quality, Application: Test coverage, and Application: Unit testing landing pages. Additionally, you can specify how many days the tests are considered current to be included on the Application Quality dashboard and in reports. By configuring how quality metrics are displayed, you can customize data presentation according to your needs, which can help improve the quality of your application.

For more information, see Application: Quality Settings landing page.

Fetch quality metrics for Pega unit tests by using the REST API

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can use the REST API to fetch quality metrics for the Pega unit tests of your application, such as unit test compliance, unit test execution results, test coverage, and guardrail compliance.

You can use the metrics returned by the service for gating purposes in a release pipeline.

For more information about the Pega API, see Pega API for Pega Platform.

Improvements to email case triaging

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

Improvements to Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Email make the system more robust and user friendly. When you reply to emails in a triage case, you can forward the email, reply to all, and use the carbon copy (cc) and blind carbon copy (bcc) fields. You can also send Pulse messages to discuss an email case without exposing the information to external users. You are notified in the Email Manager and Case Manager portal if you receive Pulse messages. Even when an email case has been resolved and appears as read-only, you can still send Pulse messages.

For more information, see Email Manager portal and Email triage.

Identify Pega unit test cases associated with inactive or deleted rules

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

From the Application: Unit testing landing page, you can view a list of all Pega unit test cases that are associated with inactive or deleted rules in the currently included applications. You cannot use these test cases because they will always fail.

Either remove such test cases, or reactivate the rules that they are associated with.

For more information, see Application: Unit testing landing page.

Improvements to the Email channel configuration and content analysis

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

To make the Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Email more useful and easier to manage, you can track all the Email channel configuration changes that you or other operators make. The system now also detects defined entities and topics, not only in the contents of the email messages and its attached files, but also in the email subject field which improves the responsiveness of IVA to emails. You can map same text that appears in an email triage case to different entities. In previous versions of Pega Platform, only the email body was analyzed but with subject analysis, now the entire email is analyzed for topics and entities, including its salutation and signature.

For more information, see Tracking configuration changes in the Email channel and Enabling the analysis of subject field content during email triage.

Merged test-coverage report improves overview of application quality

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

You can now merge multiple application-level test coverage reports from built-on apps into a single report. This single test-coverage report provides an overview of your application's quality, and eliminates the need to manually collate data from multiple reports.

For more information, see Generating a merged coverage report.

Facebook and Web Chatbot configuration in the preview console

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

When you develop a Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Facebook or Web Chatbot, you can now teach interactive bot conversations by chatting with the bot in the preview console and guiding the artificial intelligence algorithm to the right responses. This ability greatly accelerates conversation development and simplifies configuration, while providing the developer with more transparency in the mechanisms that produce specific responses.

For more information, see Simulating a conversation and building a chatbot runtime and Testing and building a chatbot from the preview console.

Support for rich user interface controls in IVA for Web Chatbot

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

You can now use rich user interface controls in Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Web Chatbot because Pega Platform™ includes a framework for advanced user interface controls. You can use a date picker control and add file attachments while chatting with the chatbot. These features provide a richer and more robust user experience and they help the user accomplish tasks more quickly without the need for complex validation messages.

For more information, see Use rich user interface controls in Web Chatbot.

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