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Published Release Notes

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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Split schema upgrade instructions missing properties

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.3

If you upgraded from 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x using the instructions in previous versions of the upgrade guide, you may have neglected to set the properties below in your file when you migrated your upgraded schema to the source system:





If these properties were not set during an upgrade that splits the schema, your environment does not have the indexes, triggers, and primary keys on the rules tables.


To check for this issue, see if the pr4_base and pr4_rule rules tables in your existing rules schema are missing primary keys. If they are, use the SQL scripts in the ResourceKit\MigrationRecoveryScripts directory of the release to cleanup duplicate rules that were created due to this issue. Follow the steps below to run the scripts.

To run the scripts on Microsoft SQL, Oracle, or PostgreSLQ

  1. Take down any app servers using the affected schema.
  2. Backup your database.
  3. Replace all instances of @RULES_SCHEMA in <database>_cleanDups.sql with the name of the schema that contains the pr4_base table.
  4. Run the <database>_cleanDups.sql script on the database with vendor tools (sqlPlus, SQL Server Management Studio, etc).
  5. Replace all instances of @RULES_SCHEMA in <database>_fix_vw_table.sql with the name of the schema that contains the pr4_base table.
  6. Run the <database>_fix_vw_table.sql script on the database with vendor tools (sqlPlus, SQL Server Management Studio, etc).
  7. Generate and apply the ddl using the command line generateDDL command. Check the installation guide for your database or the upgrade guide for details about how to use the generateDDL command line script.
  8. Rebuild the indexes for the tables in your rules schema using vendor tools. This is necessary so that your system runs at an optimum speed.
  9. Optionally upgrade to the latest release, at this point your database is ready to be upgraded or used depending on your needs.


To run the scripts on DB2 for LUW or z/OS

  1. Take down any app servers using the affected schema.
  2. Backup your database.
  3. Run the <database>_cleanDups.sql script on the database with vendor tools (UDB CLP, Data Studio, etc) to create the CLEANSE_RULES_DUPS stored procedure.
  4. Run the query Call CLEANSE_RULES_DUPS(‘<rulesSchema>’); where <rulesSchema> is the name of schema that contains the pr4_base table.
  5. After the previous step is complete drop the CLEANSE_RULES_DUPS procedure.
  6. Replace all instances of @RULES_SCHEMA in <database>_fix_vw_table.sql with the name of the schema that contains the pr4_base table.
  7. Run the <database>_fix_vw_table.sql script on the database with vendor tools (UDB CLP, Data Studio, etc).
  8. Generate and apply the ddl using the command line generateDDL command. Check the installation guide for your database or the upgrade guide for details about how to use the generateDDL command line script.
  9. Rebuild the indexes for the tables in your rules schema using vendor tools. This is necessary so that your system runs at an optimum speed.
  10. Optionally upgrade to the latest release. At this point your database is ready to be upgraded or used depending on your needs.

Updated Word merge support with Microsoft Silverlight plug-in

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.3

Starting in this release, Pega 7 features that integrate with the Word merge capability are now cross-browser. ActiveX controls (which are only compatible with Internet Explorer) have been replaced with Microsoft Silverlight. This plug-in must be downloaded separately from Microsoft because it is not shipped with Pega 7.

Common features that are affected by this change include the Specification form and Case Type landing page.

Prior to using these features, see the release note Word merge support with Microsoft Silverlight plug-in for more information about setting up their client systems.

Internal rules in search results and explorers

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Using old: is no longer supported in search. You can include internal rules in search results and make them available in the Application and Records explorers. Include internal rules in search results either by adding the PegaDevelopmentruleset to your application or by clicking the Enable diagnostic features option in your operator preferences.

No longer supported translator configuration options

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The following translator configuration options are not needed and are no longer supported. If you previously configured any of these system settings, remove them from the system settings to avoid a warning message. For example, if you set translator/useparserfamily, the following message is displayed at startup: "Translator option, 'translator/useparserfamily' is not needed and no longer supported. Remove this from the system settings."

  • translator/useparserfamily
  • translator/usecodegenerator
  • translator/usenativedouble
  • translator/optimization/use71BlockAnalysis
  • translator/optimization/use71ConstantFolding
  • translator/optimization/use71AssignmentTypeSimplification
  • translator/optimization/use71IntrinsicFunctions
  • translator/use71PropSetGeneration
  • translator/use71ParserAssignment
  • assembly/model/useBlock4ContiguousSets
  • /translator/pandc/comparepandcalgorithms
  • /translator/pandc/use6xalgorithms
  • /Compatibility/CheckForTopLevelClassMismatch

In addition, the com.pega.pegarules.generation.parseoverride bootstrap option is no longer supported. Remove this option from the system settings.

pxFeed replaces pxContextFeed and pxActivityFeed Pulse gadgets

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The pxContextFeed and pxActivityFeed gadgets have been replaced by the pxFeed gadget to integrate the functionalities of viewing and posting messages in the Pulse activity feed. You can include this gadget within a section or harness across your application, for example, in the dashboard of the Case Manager portal, to display the activity feed. You must add the latest UI Kit ruleset to ensure that your application uses the pxFeed gadget instead of the pxContextFeed and pxActivityFeed gadgets to generate the activity feed.

For more information, see Pulse gadget and custom APIs.

Survey rules are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Surveys that were created prior to version 7.4 of Pega Platform are now deprecated. As a best practice, recreate your survey by using the Survey Management landing page, and then reuse questions or question pages from your survey library.

For more information about creating surveys, see Improved survey authoring.

Questionnaire shape replaces Survey shape in legacy flows

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

In flows that reference deprecated surveys, the Questionnaire shape has replaced the Survey shape. Although legacy surveys continue to function in this release, update your flows to use the Survey shape because it provides the latest survey capabilities, and deprecated features are not supported.

For more information about the new survey authoring experience, see Improved survey authoring.

New privilege required to access the Search landing page

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

After upgrading to Pega® Platform 7.4, users who do not have the pxAccessSearchLP privilege cannot access the Search landing page. The pxAccessSearchLP privilege is automatically assigned to the SysAdm4 role. If you have other roles that require access to the Search landing page, you must add the pxAccessSearchLP privilege to those roles.

For more information about assigning privileges to roles, see User privilege authorization. (Link to: basics/v6portal/landingpages/accessmanager/customizeprivilegestab.htm)

PegaDATA connection settings now required in the prconfig.xml file

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

If you use the default prconfig.xml file that is included with Pega® Platform, and you have not removed the PegaDATA connection settings, no action is required. If you use a custom prconfig.xml file, for example, for running tests, ensure that the database connection settings for PegaDATA are not blank.

For more information about the connection settings, see PegaDATA connection settings in the prconfig.xml file.

Add message header fields to the service email for Pulse email replies

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The pzCreatePulseReply service email rule now has these additional fields in the message header: Message–ID, In–Reply–To, and References. As a result, the system interacts with email clients by using email headers when users reply to Pulse emails. If you configured a service email for replies to Pulse email notifications, add these fields to the service email to allow the system to post the replies in Pulse. If you are creating a service email, ensure that the message header and data have the same values as the values in pzCreatePulseReply.

For more information, see Enabling users to respond to Pulse email notifications.

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