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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Socket server has changed for remote logging

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

As a result of the upgrade from the Apache Log4j 1 logging service to the Apache Log4j 2 logging service, the socket server that is used for remote logging has changed from the Log4j remote logging package with the LogFactor5 log analysis tool to TcpSocketServer. If you use remote logging, update your socket server to TcpSocketServer. For more information, see Installing and using remote logging.

New process for Pega Cloud customers to obtain BIX extract files

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The process for obtaining Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) extract and manifest files for Pega® Cloud customers has changed as a result of data security enhancements for HIPAA compliance. By default, after upgrading to Pega 7.3, you must obtain the BIX extract and manifest files from the Pega SFTP server. From within Designer Studio, you can configure the BIX extract and manifest files to be sent to a remote SFTP server by a file listener. For Pega Cloud customers who have purchased a Pega Cloud SFTP Server subscription, you can configure BIX to send the BIX extract and manifest files to the SFTP server's folders for remote SFTP client download.

For more information about obtaining files from the Pega SFTP server, see Obtaining BIX extract files from the Pega SFTP server.

For more information about having files sent to your SFTP server, see Defining SFTP-related data instances.

Node types renamed after upgrade from Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

If you used node classification in Pega® 7.2.2, when you upgrade to Pega 7.3, node type names are automatically changed to a new name when you start a node with a node type.

  • UniversalNode becomes Universal
  • WebUserNode becomes WebUser
  • BackgroundProcessingNode becomes BackgroundProcessing
  • BIXNode becomes BIX
  • SearchNode becomes Search

If you created agents in Pega 7.2.2, agent schedules are also automatically updated with a new name during the upgrade. For more information, see Customized agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents must be updated after Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 upgrade and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

Requestor Management landing page access privileges

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

To access the Requestor Management landing page after upgrading to Pega® Platform 7.3, you need to add the appropriate privileges to the @baseclass and Pega-Landing access classes in the access roles. Apply these privileges to any application in which you want the operator to be able use the requestor management feature.

For more information, see the Requestor Management landing page and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

Rollover policy for log files

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

The rollover policy for log files is now based on time (daily) and file size (maximum file size is 250 MB). Log files are rolled over daily or when the maximum file size is reached. Current (not rolled over) log files do not have a time stamp. The time stamp is added when the log file is rolled over. In addition, the log file name for the current log file does not include the date. You can add the date to the current log file; however, the log file will not be rolled over. In addition, the web.temdir variable for setting the log file location is no longer supported; use the pega.logdir variable instead.

For more information, see Pega Platform logging with the Log4j 2 logging service.

Customized agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents must be updated after Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 upgrade

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

If you used node classification in Pega® 7.2.2, when you upgrade to Pega 7.3, node type names are automatically changed to a new name when you start a node with a node type. Agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents are deleted and re-created with the new node type name, but any customization that you made in Pega 7.2.2 is not saved. You must manually update the agent schedules for standard Pega Platform agents in Pega 7.3.

For more information, see Node types renamed after upgrade from Pega 7.2.2 to Pega Platform 7.3 and the appropriate Deployment Guide.

Pulse Extension points are deprecated

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Beginning with Pega® Platform 7.3, Pulse uses the notifications feature to send notifications. As a result, Pulse extension points for email body, subject, and recipient list have been deprecated. Preferences set for Pulse notifications in earlier versions are no longer valid.

Use the alternatives listed in the following table to configure your Pulse message and notification preferences.

Deprecated extension pointAlternative extension pointCorresponding notification rule
pyInstantPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyReplyPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost (Correspondence)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionsPulseNotification (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionsInNonCaseContext (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost (Correspondence)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyNewPulsePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyNewPulseReplySubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddPulsePost
pyMentionedUserSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyMentionedFollowerWithFilePostSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject (Field Value)pyAddUserMentionedPost
pyGetListOfEmailReceivers (Activity)D_pxGetCaseFollowers (Data page)pyAddPulsePost

To continue using the deprecated extension points, override the pyInvokepxNotify when rule and set it to return false.

For more information, see Management of user notification preferences.

Deprecated survey APIs

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

APIs that were available in the PegaSurvey ruleset have been superseded by Pega® Platform APIs. Although older APIs continue to function in this release, it is recommended that you update your flows and flow actions to use the new APIs because they provide the latest survey capabilities, and deprecated features are not supported.

The following table maps deprecated APIs to their replacement APIs.

Deprecated APINew APIDescription
Work-.QuestionShapeWork-.pzQuestionShapeA flow that displays one simple question.
Work-.QuestionShapeScrWork-.pzQuestionShapeScrA screen flow that displays one simple question.

A flow that displays questions in a survey, which can be simple or complex.

You can control whether the questions are displayed on one or multiple screens.

A section that displays questions in a survey.

You can reference this section from a user action, such as a flow action or connector flow action, in a flow.

Log file description in web.xml incorrect after upgrade to Apache Log4j 2

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

As a result of the upgrade from the Apache Log4j 1 logging service to the Apache Log4j 2 logging service, it is recommended that you update the log file description in the web.xml file from location of prlogging.xml file to location of prlog4j2.xml file. The description indicates which log file is in use. Updating the description avoids confusion about which log file is current. Change the description as shown in the following example.

<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_5">
<description>location of prlog4j2.xml file</description>

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