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The UpdateAdaptiveModels agent causes an exception after Pega 7.2 to 7.2.1 upgrade

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

After the Pega 7 Platform is upgraded from version 7.2 to 7.2.1, the log files might show an error that is caused by the UpdateAdaptiveModels agent. This agent is enabled by default and is responsible for updating scoring models in the Pega 7 Platform. If you use adaptive models in your solution, you can avoid this error by configuring the Adaptive Decision Manager service. If you do not use adaptive models, disable the UpdateAdaptiveModels agent.

For more information, see Configuring the Adaptive Decision Manager service and Pega-DecisionEngine agents.

Reconfiguration of the Adaptive Decision Manager service after upgrade to Pega 7.2.1

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

After you upgrade the Pega 7 Platform to version 7.2.1, you need to reconfigure the Adaptive Decision Manager service. Beginning with Pega 7.2.1, the Adaptive Decision Management (ADM) service is native to the Pega 7 Platform and is supported by the Decision data node infrastructure.

For more information, see Services landing page.

BIX ruleset is now included with Pega Platform

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Pega Business Intelligence Exchange™ (BIX) ruleset is now included with Pega Platform™, which eliminates the need for additional provisioning for Pega Cloud customers and for a separate BIX installation for on-premises customers. To add BIX to your application, add the Pega-BIX:<version> ruleset to your application rulesets.

For more information, see Data extraction.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the BIX ruleset is available within Pega Platform. You should synchronize the BIX ruleset and Pega rules to avoid extraction errors.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

After the upgrade is complete, change the ruleset version for Pega Platform and BIX to use the same, latest version.

Set a time zone for the DateTime control

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The DateTime control now supports the selection of a specific time zone. Apart from the default local time zone, you can choose a Java-supported time zone or enter a property. For example, you can make it easier for a manager working in New York to schedule a task for a worker in London by configuring a calendar picker on user forms to show a date and time for Europe/London.

Beginning with this release, the calendar picker defaults to the current time in the time zone that is defined in the operator record. Previously, it defaulted to the local time zone of the system.

For more information, see Specifying a time zone for a DateTime control.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the DateTime gadget displays the time in the current operator's locale, which is defined on the operator rule form or in the browser.  

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you need to display the system time from which the user has logged in, and if this is not the same as the time in the user's locale (based on the browser setting), set the Locale field in the operator ID to be blank so that the browser-based setting and the displayed time are the same as the system time.

Improved rich user interface controls in IVA for Web Chatbot

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

In Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Web Chatbot, you can use additional rich user interface controls, such as the time and date picker or a simple form, to help users accomplish tasks more quickly and to limit errors. IVA for Web Chat can now also display a welcome message in the chat window, for example, to inform the user about the person with whom they are chatting.

For more information, see Streamline conversations in IVA for Web Chatbot with rich user interface controls.

Upgrade impact

The new Ul controls for Web Chatbot are enabled by default upon upgrade. If you do not want the controls enabled, you must disable them.

Also, if you have changed the styles for the welcome message, you may need to make changes to the welcome message to incorporate the new areas in the bot conversation area (such as quick replies).

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Existing channels will behave as they did previously, so you should determine whether you want to use the new UI controls. If you want to use the new Ul controls, configure the new design-time options.

If you have changed the default styles for the welcome message, review the new settings to ensure that the welcome message is configured properly. 

Test coverage support for more rule types

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Test coverage has been expanded to include the following rule types. Test coverage support for these rule types enables developers to more accurately measure the effectiveness of their tests.

  • Collection
  • Declare trigger
  • Map value
  • Navigation 
  • Report definition
  • Scorecard

For more information about test coverage, see Test coverage.

Upgrade impact

The new rule types may impact the test coverage metrics for your applications. Due to the increased number of supported rules, the reported test coverage percentage will decrease.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Run your coverage reports after upgrading to see the latest metrics.

Improved performance for work ID generation

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Work IDs are now generated in batches and managed with dynamic system settings. Batch-based ID generation improves performance and scalability, which reduces the time that it takes to migrate data to a Pega Platform™ application.

For more information, see Default dynamic system settings data instances.

Upgrade impact

In a multi-node environment, the new ID generation method can assign IDs that are not as sequential as in the previous method.

For example, in a 2-node cluster, the IDs could come in from each node in batches of 1000, resulting in successive Work objects having IDs that differ by 1000 (such as 1, 1001, 2,1002, 3, 1003). As more Work objects are created the gaps can get filled. However, there might still be gaps left in the generated IDs.  For example, if a node crashes or shuts down, some IDs would be missing, or if a node has given out 600 IDs from a batch of 1000 IDs, then 400 IDs would remain unused. In most situations, this should not be an issue. 

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you must have nearly sequential IDs or cannot accept gaps in IDs (and do not need the performance improvement), then you can change the dynamic system setting to disable the new ID generation method. 

The dynamic system setting for this feature is idGenerator/defaultBatchSize. The feature is enabled by default with a defaultBatchSize of 1000. To disable the feature, set the value to 1.

Improved control of case locking and retry mechanisms

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Delay factor, Initial delay in minutes, and Max retry attempts fields have been added to queue processors, and the Timeout to acquire lock field has been added to the Queue-For-Processing method. Using these fields, you can quickly configure background processes that require you to lock cases or retry case processing.

For more information, see Creating a Queue Processor rule.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the new fields contain their default values.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

To customize the functionality of this feature (and the new fields), open the Queue-For-Processing definition and modify the values for the new properties or fields.

Automatic management of run-time context for background processing

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

Management of system run-time context is now automatic. You no longer need to manually modify the AsyncProcessor requestor type context to make a queue processor or job scheduler work after importing or upgrading an application. Additionally, you do not need to manually modify the AsyncProcessor requestor type context to make new queue processors and job schedulers work.

For more information, see System general landing page and Automating the runtime context management of background processes.

Upgrade impact

After upgrade, you manage the runtime context of your background processing in System Runtime Context instead of in the deprecated AsyncProcessor requestor type.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Select the Include in background processing option in the Advanced section of the application rule form for all applications that use background processing (such as Job Schedulers and Queue Processing). When this option is enabled, the system automatically includes the rulesets (for the application and its components) in System Runtime Context used for resolving and running Queue Processors and Job Schedulers. Also, when the option is enabled, the application is placed on the System Runtime Context list during application rule saves (such as during application import and migration).

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