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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Post private messages in Pulse

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now post messages in Pulse to initiate conversations with selected users within a context. By posting private messages, you can discuss specific topics with relevant users without broadcasting them to all users.

For more information, see:

New themes in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

New themes in App Studio determine the default colors for elements in your user interface, such as buttons and links, as well as your typography. By selecting a theme in App Studio, you can quickly apply a consistent style to your application and save development time by not having to edit the application skin in Dev Studio.

For more information, see Changing your theme.

New tile view in Report Browser

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

The Report Browser now displays available reports in a tile view, in addition to the list view. You can toggle between the two display formats. The report tiles provide a thumbnail preview of each report, which makes it easier for you to identify reports at a glance, without having to open each report.

For more information, see Report Browser features.

New landing page allows you to customize the presentation of quality metrics

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

From the new Application: Quality Settings landing page, you can specify which built-in apps to include for testing. You can also modify the date range for graphs on the Application Quality, Application: Test coverage, and Application: Unit testing landing pages. Additionally, you can specify how many days the tests are considered current to be included on the Application Quality dashboard and in reports. By configuring how quality metrics are displayed, you can customize data presentation according to your needs, which can help improve the quality of your application.

For more information, see Application: Quality Settings landing page.

Select or edit a label format at run time

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

At run time in App Studio, when you edit a control, you can now select a new label format for the control or edit the currently selected label format. This change provides you with the flexibility to update control labels in real time as you process cases.

For more information, see Styling controls at run time.

Personalized table views

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now configure tables so that users can personalize table views at run time. Users can specify which columns to display, resize and reorder columns, and set an initial sort order and initial column filter. When users save these personalized settings, the table displays the personalized view each time that users access the table.

Personalizing table views can help users work more efficiently by providing greater control over what data they see and how it is presented.

For more information, see Configuring a table for personalization.

Data encryption support for system data

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now control system-level data security by using data encryption in Pega Platform™. Encryption of system-level data improves the overall security of your system.

For more information, see Configuring the platform cipher and Configuring a keystore for a master key from a custom source.

Manage and visualize application data with the Integration Designer

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Use the Integration Designer to manage data at the application level and to access a comprehensive view of all data objects in your application with their associated data. Additionally, from the Integration Designer, you can create data objects and map them to other objects and to systems of record.

For more information, see Managing application data with the Integration Designer.

Reference spaces and documents in Pulse

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

You can now reference spaces and documents when you post Pulse messages. By including a link in your Pulse message that opens a relevant space or application document, you can add context to a conversation.

For more information, see:

Add comments to feed source messages

Valid from Pega Version 8.1

Users can now post comments on messages from feed sources in their activity feed. By adding comments to these types of messages, users can discuss topics from internal or external data sources, for example, Twitter updates on their organization. You can configure a feed source to allow comments on messages from the source.

For more information, see Adding a feed source for the activity feed.

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