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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Ability to restrict access to the Import wizard

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

You can now restrict access to the Import wizard so that users implement an automated pipeline to deploy changes between environments such as staging and production. Deployment Manager is one method by which to create pipelines. By using pipelines to propagate changes, users can apply a standardized and automated deployment process for migrating their applications.

For more information, see:

Changes to the Attach Content control in Pega Client for Windows

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

Users who access offline-enabled Pega Platform™ applications from Pega Client for Windows can now use the Attach Content control within a case view to attach files with a native file picker control or take screenshots with a device camera. Images are immediately attached to the case, and image file names are based on a time stamp. If a device has no camera, the client skips the source selection step and the native file picker control opens.

For more information, see Harness and Sections forms – Adding an Attach Content control.

Date range option added to DateTime control

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

The autogenerated DateTime control, used in forms, now features a custom date range option in the calendar picker. To specify a time period, click the From date and To date fields on an interactive calendar overlay. This input method is both convenient and mobile-friendly.

Improved control of case locking and retry mechanisms

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

The Delay factor, Initial delay in minutes, and Max retry attempts fields have been added to queue processors, and the Timeout to acquire lock field has been added to the Queue-For-Processing method. Using these fields, you can quickly configure background processes that require you to lock cases or retry case processing.

For more information, see Creating a Queue Processor rule.

Upgrade impact

After a successful upgrade, the new fields contain their default values.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

To customize the functionality of this feature (and the new fields), open the Queue-For-Processing definition and modify the values for the new properties or fields.

Role-based page access in App Studio

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

App Studio now supports the management of access to pages in your application based on user roles. You can use this functionality to define which pages are visible for every role, for example, make an analytics page available only to an administrator.

For more information, see Configuring role-based page access.

Manage access to the content in your spaces and cases

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

To more efficiently manage your content, you can grant access to documents only to specific space or case members in a portal that you use. Use this option to provide users with content that is tailored to their specific needs. Provide contextual and consistent documents for your users for more effective communication and case management.

Custom DX API attributes for auto-generated controls

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

Auto-generated controls now include the option to add custom attributes for use with the Pega Digital Experience (DX) API. The attributes are part of the DX API response to the front end and you can use them to modify the run-time behavior of the UI elements in your application. For example, you can add an attribute to a field that displays a tooltip text for that field at run time. This enhancement introduces significant flexibility to application development and gives you greater control over UI components.

For more information, see Adding custom attributes for version 1 DX API to auto-generated controls.

Access PegaUnit compliance metrics from a centralized location

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

PegaUnit compliance metrics and execution rate have been added to the PegaUnit metrics tile of the Application Quality dashboard. This dashboard provides a centralized location for all PegaUnit data for a specific application. 

The dashboard also supports granular PegaUnit test information for each case type and data type, similar to the process currently available on the branch quality dashboard. 

For more information, see Analyzing application quality metrics

Support for rich user interface controls in IVA for Web Chatbot

Valid from Pega Version 8.2

You can now use rich user interface controls in Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Web Chatbot because Pega Platform™ includes a framework for advanced user interface controls. You can use a date picker control and add file attachments while chatting with the chatbot. These features provide a richer and more robust user experience and they help the user accomplish tasks more quickly without the need for complex validation messages.

For more information, see Use rich user interface controls in Web Chatbot.

Improved rich user interface controls in IVA for Web Chatbot

Valid from Pega Version 8.3

In Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant™ (IVA) for Web Chatbot, you can use additional rich user interface controls, such as the time and date picker or a simple form, to help users accomplish tasks more quickly and to limit errors. IVA for Web Chat can now also display a welcome message in the chat window, for example, to inform the user about the person with whom they are chatting.

For more information, see Streamline conversations in IVA for Web Chatbot with rich user interface controls.

Upgrade impact

The new Ul controls for Web Chatbot are enabled by default upon upgrade. If you do not want the controls enabled, you must disable them.

Also, if you have changed the styles for the welcome message, you may need to make changes to the welcome message to incorporate the new areas in the bot conversation area (such as quick replies).

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

Existing channels will behave as they did previously, so you should determine whether you want to use the new UI controls. If you want to use the new Ul controls, configure the new design-time options.

If you have changed the default styles for the welcome message, review the new settings to ensure that the welcome message is configured properly. 

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