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This documentation is for non-current versions of Pega Platform. For current release notes, go here.

Browser unresponsive when logging in to Designer Studio

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

The What's new in 7.4 widget on the Designer Studio home page uses WebGL to render its background animation. If your browser is running on a virtual machine without hardware acceleration, your browser might become unresponsive because of this widget. Click the Hide this until next release button to remove the widget. At your next login, the widget will not be displayed.

New service for generating OAuth 2.0 client credentials

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Pega® Platform now includes the oauthclients service package that provides a REST service for generating OAuth 2.0 client credentials. By using the client registration service, you can dynamically register OAuth 2.0 clients. The new service is secured by an existing OAuth service. Access tokens that are issued by the existing OAuth service are accepted as initial access tokens by the new service.

For more information, see OAuth 2.0 Client Registration data instances.

Usability improvements in Pega Express

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The following enhancements have been made in Pega Express to improve your development experience:

  • Case Designer now has an option to create a case so that you can quickly test changes to the configuration of your case types.
  • There are fewer steps in the process for configuring a dynamic view.
  • Some controls on the screen have been repositioned for easier access and support for users who are not using a mouse.
  • Some elements on the Life cycle tab of Case Designer support keyboard navigation when you use the Tab, Enter, Right Arrow, or Left Arrow keys.
  • The status of a case can be set at the assignment level.

For more information about these changes, see:

Escalation actions removed from case-wide goals and deadlines

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

The option to define an escalation action for a case-wide goal and deadline has been removed from Case Designer because the standard actions, Notify assignee and Notify manager, apply to assignments, not cases. You can still define escalation actions for goals and deadlines that apply to an assignment.

For more information, see Defining an escalation action for an assignment.

Ability to persist request data for synchronous REST Service failures

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

Request data can now be persisted when synchronous REST Service processing fails. To ensure that data is not lost and can be reprocessed, set the Execution Mode on the rule form to Execute synchronously (queue on error).

For more information see Service REST form - Completing the Service tab.

Layout groups support icons and titles in headers

Valid from Pega Version 7.3

You can now include icons or cells to enhance the design of layout group headers. On the properties panel, select Include icon with title under Container settings to add icons and titles in the layout headers. Also, the layout group control can now refresh the content of a dynamic layout if the layout is active.

For more information, see Adding a Layout Group.

Email listeners no longer copy the email subject text to the email body

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

As of Pega® 7.2.1, email listeners no longer copy the email subject text to the email body when the body is empty. If your customer application expects text in the body of the email, the application might fail. You can configure email listeners to copy the subject text to the body by using the following Dynamic System Setting:

Owning Ruleset: Pega-IntSvcs

Purpose: email/copyBodyNoContent

Value: true

For more information, see Creating Dynamic System Settings.

New interaction history attribute

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

Pega® Platform 7.4 introduces the pySubjectType attribute that is used in interaction history aggregations. This attribute is populated for interaction history records that were created in release 7.4. For records that originated in earlier releases, the attribute must be set in the following scenarios:

  • Single-level decisioning frameworks that use interaction history.
  • Multi-level decisioning frameworks where interaction history is used by two or more levels of strategies that are defined on different classes.

For the single-level scenario, configure the Dynamic System Setting that sets the pySubjectType attribute when your framework reads interaction history records. The value of this Dynamic System Setting becomes the name of the customer class.

For the multi-level scenario, update the database table for all strategy levels manually. For each level, make sure that the value in the Subject Type column is set to the name of the class for the corresponding strategy. For example, the value for the top level strategy should be set to the name of the class of that strategy.

For more information about interaction history aggregations, see Data Sources landing page

For more information about multi-line strategies and contexts, see Strategy components - Embedded strategy

Store and source content in Box

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

You can now attach content from Box while working on a case in your application. You can attach files directly to your case or include them in a Pulse message. You can also store all the case and Pulse attachments in your application in Box. To enable content sourcing and storage in Box, configure the Content sourcing and Content storage sections on the Integration & security tab of your application rule.

For more information, see Storing and sourcing content in Box.

Open cases in a mobile app with push notifications sent from Pega 7 Platform applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.2.1

Push notification smart shapes in a workflow of a Pega 7 Platform application can now send push notifications that open a case in a custom mobile app. Users working in the field can use this feature to instantly access priority assignments instead of having to search for changes manually.

For more information, see Configuring the Push Notification shape.

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